Langham Place, Guangzhou presents a Gourmet French themed buffet dinner at The Open Kitchen from now to 30 April 2016, featuring more than 30 types of French delicacies prepared with fresh ingredients imported from France. Diners also have a chance to win a round-trip air ticket from Guangzhou to Paris.
“‘Bon appetit’ means ‘enjoy your meal’ in French,” said Simon Criqui, the French-born Assistant Director of Food and Beverage at Langham Place, Guangzhou, “This themed buffet dinner is a delicious celebration of French culinary diversity. It would be an honour to see our buffet serving dishes from my home country and that more food lovers could enjoy these fabulous flavours.”
Executive Chef Joe leads his team in filling the menu with original flavours and an abundance of signature dishes. Guests will be able to dine on ingredients straight from France that are prepared in the authentic French way. Commonly referred to as one of those must-try French delicacies, Foie Gras is a bright spot at the buffet dinner. The chef will be preparing Pan-Fried Foie Gras and Slow-Cooked Foie Gras with Garlic Toast on-site. Guests can also enjoy the popular dish, Flambé Duck Breast, which is cooked with a special sauce mainly made from duck blood. Hot seafood dishes including Salmon à la Grenobloise, Moules Marinières and mouth-watering Vol-au-vent and Galette Bretonne are also a must-try. Vegan dishes will be available for vegetarians as well. Also worth mentioning is the dessert counter, which will feature dozens of French traditional sweets such as Crème Brûlée and Riz Au Lait. Additionally, guests can enjoy an artistic cooking show featuring aromatic Baked Alaska and Churros.
Cheese figures prominently in French cooking. The Open Kitchen will feature more than 12 kinds of French cheeses of different flavours at the cheese counter, with the most stylish snack, Cheese Cone, as the highlight. Each cheese will be presented with a portfolio card with information on the ingredients, flavour and method of eating.
During the promotion period, the restaurant will be decorated with French elements. Three miniature Eiffel Towers will house chocolates, puff pastry and macarons at the dessert counter. Guests will be delighted with hostesses dressed up in French national costume, or French wine and beer to pair with the delectable delicacies. Every Friday and Saturday night, guests can relax to authentic French music from an accordion player.
All guests dining at the hotel will be entered in the lucky draw when they complete a “Voting Pass” indicating their favourite French food. The grand prize is a round-trip air ticket from Guangzhou to Paris. Other prizes include accommodation with spa treatments for two persons and RMB800 dining vouchers at Langham Place, Guangzhou. The results will be announced at the end of the promotion period.
The Gourmet French themed buffet dinner is priced at RMB338 per person (Sunday to Thursday) and RMB388 per person (Friday and Saturday), available from 6:00pm to 10:00pm and subject to 15% service charge. Children and seniors enjoy 50% discount. For enquiries or reservations, please call +86 20 8916 3528.
“Bon appetite!在法语里是‘愿你胃口好’的意思。法国料理以其精致细腻出名,非常高兴此次法国主题自助晚餐将推出来自我家乡的各种口味菜品,希望更多的美食爱好者能够喜欢法国美食!”来自法国的酒店餐饮副总监西蒙(Simon Criqui)说。
西厨行政总厨温师傅糅合法式美馔的精髓,精选其中最富有代表性的菜品,并以传统的烹饪手法,演绎多款浪漫法兰西风情的佳肴美馔。被誉为法国最矜贵食材之一的鹅肝将在自助餐中亮相,厨师现场烹饪 法式香煎鹅肝 及 低温慢煮鹅肝配蒜蓉多士 ,以保证食材鲜嫩多汁的口感。宾客还可品尝到经典菜式 法式血鸭汁烩鸭 ,以鸭血制作而成的酱汁烹调鸭胸肉,做法及风味奇特,食之齿颊留香。不能错过法式风味的 法式香煎三文鱼 、 炒青口配白酒汤 等海鲜热食、令人垂涎的 法式酥皮盒 、 法式烙饼 等,及各款素食菜品供应。特别值得一提的是,甜品区特别罗列了 法式炖蛋 、 米补丁配焦糖汁 等十几种特色法式甜品,为春日抹上一缕缤纷色彩。宾客可以现场欣赏到厨师现场制作 火焰雪糕和法式吉事果 ,香软而富浓郁芳香,令人回味。
芝士在法国料理中占据着举足轻重的地位。餐厅特别开设 法式芝士档 ,精选超过十二种口感不同的法国本土芝士,搭配时下最新潮的芝士雪糕筒一同呈现,供宾客欣赏品鉴。每款芝士均附有说明卡片标注原材料、口感及食用建议,令宾客在满足味蕾的同时,也可了解其背后博大精深的美食文化。
“味游法兰西”主题自助餐价格分别为人民币338元每位(周日至周四)、人民币388元每位(周五及周六),另加15%服务费,儿童及长者可享半价优惠。供应时间为晚上六点至十点。详询及预订,请拨打电话: +86 20 8916 3528 。