18th Lusofonia Festival
The first Lusofonia Festival was held in 1998 on the Portuguese Expatriate Day (June 10th) to honor Portuguese-speaking individuals who reside in Macau and have contributed to Macau’s development. In its 18th year, the Lusofonia Festival will further demonstrate the vibrancy of Macau as a tourism city, turning into a traditional event incorporated with rich Portuguese Speaking Communities culture.
The 18th Lusofonia Festival, a Portuguese Speaking Communities Cultural Festival in Macau, will be held from October 23th to 25th at the Taipa Houses-Museum. All the Macau citizens and tourists are welcomed to join and experience the Portuguese Speaking Communities rhythm in this Festival.
All Macau residents as well as tourists are welcomed to this three day event which include dancing, singing, games, gastronomy and feel the environment of this festival. For additional information, please search IACM website www.iacm.gov.mo or call the number 89884 000.