Guests are invited to experience truly exotic flavors at FOODS’ sensational week-long Arab Food Festival. Two guest chefs, Chef Okan and Chef Adil, from Al Bustan Palace, A Ritz-Carlton Hotel, in Muscat, Oman, are set to present authentic Arab cuisine at FOODS restaurant from March 8 to 15 to indulge Guangzhou diners.
Arab cuisine is well known around the world for its spices and barbecue dishes. The unique Arab dining culture is equally fascinating. The guest chefs will especially serve up Moutabel, Fattoush, Kebabs, Chicken Shish, Shawarma, Mixed Grill and Arab sweets, reflective of authentic Middle-Eastern culinary heritage.
In his introduction, the hotel’s Executive Chef Thomas highlighted the Arab culture’s charms, diversity, long history and exotic delicacies. In order to preserve traditional tastes, the Arab promotion features main ingredients and seasonings that are imported straight from their places of origin.
The Arabs are known for good cookery, and their foods, prepared using a variety of cooking methods, feature rich flavors and colors. Arab cuisine is focused on soups, cold dishes, hot appetizers, entrees and desserts. Main dishes feature pita bread, beef and mutton. What makes Arab cuisine fascinating are the exciting combinations of different sauces, salads, staple foods and pickled foods. Among the many Arab delicacies, Chef Thomas recommends "Kebab" and "Shakshuka”.
• “Kebab”: Cubes of meat (such as lamb or beef) are marinated and cooked with vegetables usually on a skewer (a long, thin ion stick) in an oven. When the meat turns yellowish and crisp, the chef cuts it and stuffs it in white Lebanese bread, adding vegetables and sauces to enhance the flavor.
• “Shakshuka”: Shakshuka in Hebrew means “mix”. It is a mix of Middle-Eastern and western dish that combines soft stewed tomato, fried egg, onion and cheese. It tastes sour and sweet, and is nutritious and healthy.
Guests can indulge in famous Arab dishes like Hummus, Tabbouleh, Moutabel, Lubia Bi Zeit, Shakshuka, Bapalo Omani Fish Soup, Chicken Kabsa, Vegetable Saloona, Dukkah-Spiced Marinated Tuna, Moussaka, Samak Sayadia and Fried Kofta. You can also enjoy live-grilled Fattoush, Grilled Beef Mashakik, Lamb Kebab, Harissa Prawns, Chicken Shish, etc.
Date: March 8 to 15, 2017
Price: RMB 428/498 (Monday to Wednesday/Thursday to Sunday) per person
*Above prices are subject to 15% service charge. For reservations, please call (86 20) 3813 6888 or email
酒店行政总厨莱博尔介绍道,多元的民族结构、悠久的历史文明,成就了阿拉伯美食也满载丰富的文化与异域的魅力。本次阿拉伯美食推广的菜式为了秉承传统口味,主材料和调味料均由原产地进口,而远道而来的两位具有十余年酒店厨房工作经验的Okan厨师长和Adil大厨,是来自中东最顶级奢华酒店之一 --- 丽思卡尔顿阿布斯坦宫酒店。
• “中东烤羊肉(Kebab)”:将大块腌制好的羊肉串到铁棒上做成一根直径四十厘米的肉鼓,而后放到烤炉里边转动边烤,待外层肉色变得黄脆,便切下肉鼓外层卷入白嫩的黎巴嫩饼内,加入蔬菜和酱汁即吃。
• “沙舒卡焗混合奶酪蔬菜(Shashuka)”:Shashuka在希伯来语中意为混合,是一道富含浓郁中东风情的西式营养美食。菜品的制作清爽而健康,由番茄、鸡蛋、洋葱、奶酪等混合烹制,炖至软烂的番茄融入煎制得当的鸡蛋,制造出滑嫩细腻的口感,洋葱的添加则和了部分甜腻,增加了一份酸爽。
除此之外,才华横溢的厨师团队还准备了“鹰嘴豆泥,欧芹小米沙拉,塔傅勒色拉,中东麻酱茄泥,茄汁青豆沙拉”、“ 阿曼特色番茄鱼汤”、“迪卡辣腌吞拿鱼”等经典菜式,更有大厨现场为客人烹制:“黎凡特面包沙拉”和“中东牛扒,辣椒橄榄油酱烤大虾,中东鸡肉串”等约二十款地域风情美食。
时间:18:00-22:00 p.m.
*查询或预订,请致电(86 20)3813 6888或电邮。