Organized by the Cultural Affairs Bureau, the 29th Macao International Music Festival (MIMF) takes place from 4 October to 1 November, gathering top-level musicians and ensembles from Russia, Sweden, the United States of America, Portugal, the United Kingdom, Italy, Israel, Switzerland, Iceland, Mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macao, including a total of 23 extraordinary performances as well as over 60 outreach activities in this grand musical annual event. This edition of the MIMF takes as theme the concept “Soundmazing”, and will certainly move audiences and reveal the charm of singing through the most pure vocal music.
2015, Oct 04, Sun to 2015, Nov 01, Sun
Other Organizers:
Macau Cultural Affairs Bureau
Postal Address:
Phone Number:
(+853) 83996699 (during office hours)

Event Category: