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Till 30th Nov. Exhibition: TRANS OBJECT

Solo Exhibition by Artist Rolf Klaus

TRANS OBJECT—— Solo Exhibition by Artist Rolf Klaus
玩野—瑞士藝術家Rolf Klaus雕塑展

開幕/Opening:2016年11月12日 晚上8:00
展期/Duration:2016年11月12日-11月30日10:00-19:00(逢週二閉館/Closed on Tuesday)

主辦/Organizer:扉藝廊 Fei Gallery
合作方/Cooperation:瑞士駐廣州領事館、Mao Space德懿、紫泥堂、存墨窑

地址/Address:廣州市農林下路5號億達大廈G層G Floor, Estate Plaza, No.5, Nong Lin Xia Road, Guangzhou(地鐵一號/六號線東山口站C出口/Metro Exit C of Dongshankou Station Line 1/6)


The Cantonese name of the exhibition sounds like “playing with things” or “making a joke” while “Trans Object” actually means transforming objects which in this exhibition, is just relevant to this city – the raw materials of the exhibited works are mainly farm tools from the countryside of Guangzhou such as rake, sickle and hoe, etc. scattered in the field.

“Transform” is the highlight of the exhibition – which manifests the creative attitude of the 70-year-old artist Rolf Klaus from Switzerland. The artist has been engaged in the study of rural art since 1970’s and in his ongoing experimentation of new materials, he successfully combined the individual creation with daily design. This exhibition is an explorative artistic endeavor using local utensils during his first time visit in Guangzhou.

“Object” refers to the exhibited works – Rolf Klaus called the re-shaping technique with blacksmith equipment, which he developed through 36 years’ exploration, “PARA-art” and the resulted artwork “PARA”. Through compressing or thinning out, the farm tools become gracefully built, nevertheless expressive objects exuding vitality without frills. As the artist said: “The point of the sculptures and objects that I create is to release the energy, which has flowed through an iron tool for years, into a new form and statement by forging it.”

Art is a medium of communication and “Trans Object” is exactly such an exhibition that blurs the boundaries between existing domains of disciplines and express a carefree attitude toward daily triviality. When you try to create something new by transforming with a sincere attitude and for fun at the same time, having enjoyed it for long enough, you will surely create a world of your own.

---Season Liao



“玩”是整个展览的亮点——呈现的是来自瑞士七十高龄艺术家Rolf Klaus的创作态度。自1970年起,他便投入在乡村艺术的研究中,为此不断学习新的材料应用,将个人创作与日常设计相融,此次展览,便是他第一次来广州对在地器物的探索创作。




Till 30th Nov. Exhibition: TRANS OBJECT -- Solo Exhibition by Artist Rolf Klaus

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