Channel: Delta Bridges
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Genie Staffing


Genie connects businesses with quality temporary job-seekers. Our one minute hiring process eliminates guesswork and anxiety through video interviews and sophisticated backend vetting. Our recruiting marketplace can source workers in as quick as 5 minutes on-demand. Genie is a mobile platform that matches employers and prescreened job seekers to perform short term jobs. Employers can directly watch the 3-minute self introduction video of job seekers, view skill sets, experience and call them directly. Employers can easily inspect applicants’ profiles, communicate and make informed decisions very quickly. To ensure reliability, we effectively and efficiently screen candidates with our advanced psychoanalytical personality test. Genie actively matches users and pushes recommendations. Our recommendation algorithm analyses a user’s skill set and job preferences so that users will not be choosing between hundreds of candidates or jobs.

職神的使命是通過降低失業率去減少全球貧窮和拉近貧富的差距。我們通過減少求職的時間,提供人們所需的工具去最大化他們的收入而為社會生產價值。職神是即時的求職市場,把商業和臨時求職者連接起來。我們追求去創造世界上第一個真正全球化的手機員工來源,可以提供員工和僱主一個安全的市場在任何時間和任何地點去聘請或工作。職神平台擁有兩個程式: 職神兼職同職神招聘. 職神是一個臨時工作招聘的手機平台。致力改進並優化企業招聘臨時工的過程。職神的目標是大幅提高臨時就業市場的效率,以及為企業提供一個無縫及優惠的招聘經驗。職神的願景是建立全球第一個真正的無國界流動人力資源網絡,並為雇主和員工提供一個安全高效的聘僱平台。

Genie Staffing

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