Esprit of progress is a service company doing turn around management of companies and governmental departments. Even though we are a Western company, 80% of our projects are for local Chinese companies. This is because the innovative character of the service we have been defining. Those Chinese companies have never experienced before that Western management models can be implemented while respecting the Chinese culture and management style.
Our own academic research showed that 60% of the Western management models couldn’t be implemented in China because of social, cultural and philosophical differences. As a turnaround manager, if you dig into the Chinese culture one can still manage projects successfully. Chinese companies can join the globalization and this even in the Chinese way! These are some successful examples of accomplished projects:
- A Chinese company, supplying components to Western automotive manufacturers, wanted to turn around its company into a Western style organization. This would have completely failed, as the people were solely Chinese and the company had a very strong Chinese culture. But with creative thinking, we could develop a complete new kind of management style, an organizational structure that combines the Chinese leadership organization with the Western way of communicating.
- Another innovation in management style was introduced already within several Chinese companies. Where in the past China was known as the “factory of the world”, from the beginning of the 21st century those Chinese companies were blocked in producing commodities and only competitive production. So with creative management models we were able to turn around those companies from “factory of the world” to “leading innovators”.
中西益思博睿管理咨询有限公司是一家协助公司和行政部门管理模式转化的服务公司。即便我们是一家外国公司,但我们80%的项目都是为中国企业服务的。这源于我司服务的核心品质 - 创新。从未接触过西方管理模式的中国企业可通过我们在尊重中国文化和自身管理特点的基础上实施这一模式。
- 一家中国公司为国外的汽车制造商供应零配件。他们想要转型为西式企业。如果该公司都是中国人并有着鲜明的中国文化,那么转型为西式企业很可能会容易失败。倘若换一种思维,即建立一个新的管理模式,使得企业同时包含中式的管理和西式的沟通,那么该企业的成功转型可能性会大大增加。
- 另一个创新型的管理模式已经成功地引进几家中国企业。在过去,中国以“世界工厂”著称。自21世纪,中国的企业长期定位于商品生产,想通过生产加工业维持自身的竞争力。因此,通过创新型的管理模式,我们可以使中国的企业从“世界工厂”逐步转型为“创新领导者”。