It’s heating up and it’s that time of the year again: Let’s grill!
Next Wednesday UFE & DB & Elite Vinery will have a joint BBQ dinner and you are invited!
Grilled lamb skewers, French mayonnaise scallops, char grilled vegetables, refreshing drinks and many more BBQ delights are waiting for you.
Various drinks are offered, including champagne by Elite Vinery, wine by UFE and Cocktail by DB.
Enjoy a delicious BBQ together with us at a beautiful outdoor venue.
Are you feeling the heat? Come and join us next Wednesday at Wyndham Grand Hotel, Shenzhen.
Tickets are limited, so RSVP today!
下周三晚Elite Vinery、UFE将携手DB与您一起“烧”出新夏夜。
除了啤酒外,现场还有Elite Vinery的精贵香槟,UFE的香醇葡萄酒及DB的五彩鸡尾酒。
Event time: Wednesday May 18, 6:00-10:00 pm
Drinks: Beer, Champagne, Wine and Cocktail
Price: 150RMB for UFE & DB members and RSVP Guests, 200RMB at door.
价格:150元/人 (UFE,DB会员,预报名客人),200元/人(非会员)
RSVP 联系方式:
DB: (+86) 13726236123 / (
If you wish to attend, please send an email to the above contacts by 17th May, stating your Full Name, Mobile Number, Email and Member Option (UFE / DB / Other)
BBQ Buffet Menu 户外花园BBQ菜单
seafood 烧烤海鲜类
Grilled squid skewers 烧烤大鱿鱼
Grilled oyster with garlic 中式蒜蓉烤生蚝
Grilled scallops with garlic 中式蒜蓉烤扇贝
Grilled shrimp salty skewers 烧烤盐香鲜虾
Japanese barbecue mackerel pike 日式烧烤秋刀
Chinese salty fragrant yellow croaker 中式咸香黄花
Chinese garlic New Zealand mussels 中式蒜蓉新西兰青口
French mayonnaise scallops 法式蛋黄酱烤带子
Barbecue 炭烧肉类
Grilled beef sirloin skewers 烧烤沙郎牛肉串
Grilled lamb skewers 烧烤至尊孜然羊肉串
Grilled chicken wing 烧烤温德姆鸡中翅
Grilled German pork sausage 德式烧烤林堡肠
Grilled pork short rib 碳烤美式猪肋排
Charcoal burning chicken feet 炭烧掌中宝
Japanese teriyaki sauce pork 日式烧汁猪肉卷
Honey roasted duck breast 蜜汁烧鸭胸肉
Char-grilled vegetables 炭烧蔬菜类
Burning corn 原味烧玉米
Garlic grilled eggplant 蒜蓉烧茄子
Burning baked potatoes 盐香烧焗土豆
Grilled vegetable and zucchini skewer 烧烤节瓜蔬菜
Other 其他
Smoked salmon salsa 烟熏鲑鱼色拉
Fruit 精美水果盘