The opening of the Marriott Hotel, Zhuhai brings along some new exciting restaurants for Zhuhai’s residents and tourists to discover. The whole restaurant is decorated in a Chinese style with revolving round tables, as well as enchanting arts and graceful chandeliers. The culinary adventure at Man Ho already starts when entering the Marriott and taking the elevator to the restaurant’s location on the 26th floor.
Man Ho’s view is of another world. At night, you will see Zhuhai’s symbolic Fisher Girl in the moonlight, with one of China’s most impressive new constructions in the background, the spectacular 50 km long bridge that is currently being built to connect Zhuhai and Macau to Hong Kong.
At Man Ho, guests can enjoy lunch and dinner. The Chinese-English menu is seasonal and offers guests to feast on the elegant and delicious Cantonese dishes created by the renowned chef. Taking authentic Chinese cuisine as a basis and giving it a modern twist.
新骏景万豪酒店的盛大开业给予了人们又一个理由选择留在珠海 - Man Ho中餐厅。餐厅装饰以传统中国风为主,用餐环境因精致的吊灯和迷人的艺术饰品而更显细腻浪漫。当您在万豪酒店乘坐前往26楼的直达电梯时,美味的Man Ho之旅正式启行。
于Man Ho中餐厅度过魅食之夜,您看到的是另外一个世界。首先映入眼帘的是身披月光的珠海渔女,随后一览珠海灯火斑斓的城市夜景,沿着海岸线放眼眺望,将珠港澳三地美景尽收眼底。
Man Ho 为客人提供精选午餐和晚餐。菜品依据季节现做,知名大厨的新意美馔皆在中英文菜牌里,珍馐中餐被赋予了丰富的现代口感,让人意犹未尽。