Hengfu GoGo Park has a forest and garden themed setting that acts as the first park-oriented shopping mall, giving you an extraordinarily unique shopping experience! The shopping mall introduces the concept of sun, greens, nature, and uses fountains, making it an intelligent natural space for all shoppers. Now the mall is home to various fashion brands, supermarkets and catering businesses.
绿光森林,一米阳光,抬头便见蓝天白云,没想到连购物的体验都可以让人如此心旷神怡。以森林花园为主题的佛山首个公园式大型购物中心恒福Go Go Park通过引入阳光,水,绿植和花鸟等景观元素,并运用水幕和喷泉水系,形成半开放式,智能化体验空间,场内小桥流水,鸟语花香,极具特色。商场已入驻众多时装品牌,购物超市及各类主题餐饮商铺,全新森风购物体验正蓄势待发期待您来!
Directory Sections:
11 Jihua Liulu,Chancheng District
Chancheng District
恒福GoGo Park购物中心