● Topic: A thorn stuck in the throat
Introduction:It is embarrassed that a thorn stuck in the throat,which is hard to swallow and spit it out. Contemporary art is also in such an embarrassed times. We have been finding the possibility of a breakthrough at a set system. However, for decades, everyone is still wander in the circle of Marcel Duchamp and Joseph Beuys. If meaphysical is moral, physical is a device, the artist is a thorn stuck in the middle.
Speaker: Shen Shaomin
Time: 15:00, March 13, 2016
Venue: Academic Hall, Hall 1, Redtory Museum of Contemporary Art | RMCA
Lecturer Introduction:Shen Shaomin was born in 1956 in Heilongjiang Province in China and he currently lives and works between Beijing, China and Sydney, Australia. He is an internationally famous artist in contemporary installation and conceptual art. Most of his artworks are installation, video and conceptual painting which always circuitously present the living condition of contemporaries and introspect profoundly.
● 讲题:喉咙里的一根刺— —艺术的问题和问题的艺术
嘉 宾:沈少民
时 间:2016年3月13日(周日) 15:00
地 点:红专厂当代艺术馆 | RMCA 1号馆 学术报告厅
对话环节: 喉咙里的一根刺——艺术的问题和问题的艺术。作为艺术家对当下当代艺术领域的一些现象的个人想法、分享经历,作品介绍。
互动环节:现场提问(也可提前将提问的问题连同报名信息一并发送至“红专厂当代艺术馆”微信公众号)。提问观众将有机会获赠展览出版诗集《我扶起自己的影子》、展览《这里没有问题》主题T恤 。
● Topic: Shen Shaomin and his world
Introduction: You can say that my talk will place Shen Shaomin's work in the context of his times, comparing his approach with that of other artists but also looking at the unique influences that have influenced his work style and subject matter.
Lecturer: David Elliott
Time: 15:00, March 27, 2016
Venue: Academic Hall, Hall 1, Redtory Museum of Contemporary Art | RMCA
Lecturer Introduction:David Elliott is a curator, writer and professor of modern and contemporary art who has directed museums in Oxford, Stockholm, Tokyo, and Istanbul. He is currently Chairman of the Board of Triangle Art Network/Gasworks in London, Chairman of the Advisory Board of MOMENTUM in Berlin and a Visiting Professor in Curatorship at the Chinese University in Hong Kong.
● 讲题:沈少民与他的世界
嘉 宾:大卫•艾略特 David Elliott
时 间:2016年3月27日(周日) 15:00
地 点:红专厂当代艺术馆 | RMCA 1号馆 学术报告厅
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