From 16 to 19 March, 2016, Chef Stefano Nicodemo from Paletto at The Ritz-Carlton, Shenzhen welcomes Italian Chef Giuseppe Di Iorio of the one Michelin-starred Aroma restaurant in Rome, Italy who will introduce privileged guests to his trademark dishes. Considered one of the most remarkable Italian chefs, Giuseppe is renowned for haute cuisine that combines the traditional and the avant-garde whilst maintaining authentic Italian flavours. Chef Giuseppe will bring his culinary team from the exquisite flagship Aroma Restaurant which a spectacular terrace on the top floor of Hotel Palazzo Manfredi, overlooking the Colosseum in Rome.
Hailing from a large family with roots in Rome and Calabria, six siblings and a father who loves to cook, Chef Giuseppe discovered cooking in the most Italian of ways. After attending hotel school in Rome, he joined the Margutta restaurant, before moving to London’s prestigious Hyde Park Hotel, where he worked under the guidance of Giuseppe Sestito, the first Italian to hold the position of executive chef at the famous establishment. On his return to Rome, Giuseppe entered the world of exclusive hotel restaurants, working at such prestigious establishments as Hotel Inghilterra and Parco dei Principi. In 2005, he was reunited with Giuseppe Sestito at the Michelin-starred Mirabelle restaurant on the terrace of the Hotel Splendide Royal. Since 2010, he works for the one Michelin-starred Aroma restaurant in Rome.
For the very first time, Chef Giuseppe will take the culinary stage to Asia and wave his magic wand at Paletto to bring another dream gourmet experience to life. Chef’s recommendations include “Black cod, carrot flavor, lime gel and puffed rice; Boneless quail on red cabbage cream and his poached eggs; and Monk fish filled with scampi wrapped in “Nori” seaweed, saffron potato cream”. In collaboration with Cos d’Estournel Wines, on 19 March, a special wine dinner will also be held for wine connoisseurs, complete with a seven-course menu marrying a series of the Grand Gru Wines.
Giuseppe Di Iorio Dinner Menu
Date: March 16 to 18, 2016
Time: 5:30pm – 10:30pm
Price: RMB968* per guest for a five-course set dinner
Giuseppe Di Iorio Wine Dinner Menu
Date: March 19, 2016
Time: 5:30pm – 10:30pm
Price: RMB1,488 *per guest for a seven-course set dinner with wine pairings
*Prices are subject to 15% service charge. For reservations, please contact Restaurant Reservations at (86) 755-22222222*8621 or email to
About The Ritz Carlton, Shenzhen
The 280-room Ritz-Carlton, Shenzhen is strategically situated in the heart of the Futian district, just opposite the Shenzhen Convention & Exhibition Center and accessible to Shenzhen's new Metro system, which connects with the Hong Kong border.
The hotel provides impeccable personal service and facilities for the discerning business or leisure travelers including The Ritz-Carlton Club® Level, a fully-equipped business center, four specialty restaurants and The Bar, state-of-the-art conference facilities, a landscaped roof garden
with outdoor swimming pool, the 1,300 square meters (13,993 square feet) health club and spa with the ultimate experience to dining, gymnasium, and recreational facilities.
The Ritz-Carlton, Shenzhen was the sixth Ritz-Carlton to open in mainland China. Today, there are nine including The Ritz-Carlton Beijing, Financial Street, The Ritz-Carlton, Beijing, The Portman Ritz-Carlton, Shanghai, The Ritz-Carlton, Guangzhou, The Ritz-Carlton, Sanya, The Ritz-Carlton, Shanghai, Pudong and The Ritz-Carlton, Hong Kong, The Ritz-Carlton, Chengdu, and The Ritz-Carlton, Tianjin.
About The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company, LLC
The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company, L.L.C., of Chevy Chase, Md., currently operates 90 hotels in the Americas, Europe, Asia, the Middle East, Africa, and the Caribbean. More than 40 hotel and residential projects are under development around the globe. For more information, or reservations, visit the company web site at or The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company, L.L.C. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Marriott International, Inc. (NASDAQ).
餐厅厨师长Stefano Nicodemo将邀请意大利罗马一星米其林阿罗马餐厅主厨Giuseppe Di Iorio做客Paletto意大利餐厅,并为深圳的贵宾们呈现一系列惊艳的味蕾体验。Giuseppe被公认为是意大利最享誉盛名的厨师之一,他最被大家熟知的料理风格即是在保留纯正口味的同时将传统与前卫的意大利烹饪技艺摩登结合。这次做客深圳,主厨Giuseppe将带领阿罗马旗舰餐厅的烹饪团队亲临深圳。这间屡获殊荣的一星米其林餐厅位于曼菲蒂宫酒店的顶层露台,并俯瞰著名的罗马斗兽场。
Giuseppe主厨来自一个罗马和卡拉布里亚的大家庭,家里六个兄弟姐妹和父亲都非常热爱烹饪,在家庭环境的影响下,他渐渐形成了属于自己的独特意式烹饪风格。从罗马酒店学校毕业后,他便在当地著名的马格塔餐厅任职。随后前往久负盛名的伦敦海德公园酒店,并跟随于首位在此餐厅担任行政总厨的意大利厨师Giuseppe Sestito学习。回到罗马之后,Giuseppe加入了著名的德印格希尔特拉酒店和普林西比公园酒店等多间知名的酒店餐厅。2005年,他与顶级厨师Giuseppe Sestito在位于斯普莱迪德酒店露台的Mirabelle米其林餐厅再次相遇。2010年,他开始了在一星米其林餐厅阿罗马的任职。
3月,Giuseppe将首次登上亚洲烹饪舞台,并为Paletto的食客们施展其魔法厨艺。主厨推荐:“红萝卜味黑银鳕鱼,青柠酥脆饭;去骨鹌鹑配红椰菜奶油和鹌鹑蛋;及藏红花烩饭配烩小牛肉和黑橄榄粉”。3月19日,Paletto与爱诗图红酒将为品酒行家们打造一场七道菜式的米其林红酒晚宴,菜单也将搭配法国Grand Gru酒庄的顶级红酒。
Giuseppe Di Iorio晚宴
Giuseppe Di Iorio红酒晚宴
*以上价格另需15%服务费。预订或垂询,请拨打餐厅电话(86) 755-22222222*8621或发送电子邮件至。