Mandarin Oriental, Macau is delighted to welcome Toni Robertson, Executive Chef of Mandarin Oriental, Singapore, to the signature Vida Rica Restaurant, bringing a unique experience of Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group’s culinary excellence to the city from 17 to 19 March 2016.
The first female executive chef of a luxury hotel in Southeast Asia, Toni Robertson will offer local connoisseurs a carefully crafted five-course lunch menu and a six-course dinner menu featuring her signature dishes. Highlights include variation of beets, which was served to Hollywood superstars in a pre-Academy Awards luncheon, and dry aged New York beef sirloin, prepared for U.S. President Barack Obama at Mandarin Oriental, New York during a formal dinner. Also not to be missed is the buckwheat noodles and eggs with Sturia caviar and uni cream, which showcases Chef Toni’s new take on this classic dish that she has specially updated for Macau. The menus are priced at MOP 458 and MOP 958 per person, respectively, and offer a choice of wine pairing from MOP 220 per person.
About Chef Toni Robertson
Born in Mandalay, Burma, Chef Toni Robertson has travelled the globe building her culinary expertise. Chef Toni trained at the Culinary and Hospitality Institute of Chicago, graduating first in her class. Her career has taken her to some of the world’s finest hotels, including the former Mandarin Oriental, San Francisco and more recently Mandarin Oriental, New York where she worked as Executive Chef for ten years. In 2014, she joined Mandarin Oriental, Singapore where she leads their culinary team.
Menu and wine pairing prices are subject to 10% service charge. For reservations, please call Vida Rica Restaurant at +853 8805 8918 or email In order for guests to make the most of this occasion, guestrooms can be booked at preferential rates from MOP 2,388, including breakfast. Room rates are subject to 10% service charge and 5% government tourism tax. Reservations can be made by contacting the hotel directly at +853 8805 8822, emailing or via the Group’s direct online reservations service at
澳门文华东方酒店皇牌食府御苑餐厅,诚邀新加坡文华东方酒店行政总厨 Toni Robertson于2016年3月17日至19日期间,亲临展现精湛厨艺,为宾客带来文华东方集团独一无二的美馔体验。
作为东南亚地区豪华酒店首位女性行政总厨,Robertson 总厨的烹饪灵感来自其多年广泛的游历经验,擅长将佳肴融合西方传统及亚洲特色。推广期间,她将展示备受各界名人及食评家推崇、简洁雅致而色味皆美的料理创作。Robertson 总厨特别推荐其悉心打造的五道菜式午餐与六道菜式精选晚餐,飨客可尽享美馔精华,其中包括羊芝士牛轧糖配西芹枝及西西里开心果,此道菜式曾于荷里活颁奖典礼中款宴宾客,而皇牌菜式干烤熟成纽约牛扒,更是纽约文华东方酒店招待美国总统奥巴马的晚宴菜式之一。
此外,Robertson 总厨亦于是次推广中在经典菜式加上崭新创作——荞麦面配鱼子酱及海胆忌廉,以予澳门宾客绝无仅有的美食飨宴。上述美馔皆汇聚于六道菜式精选晚餐及五道菜式午餐,价格为每位澳门币 958 元及 458 元。此外,御苑餐厅特选多款年份佳酿,提供绝佳的餐酒搭配,价格由澳门币 220 元起。
Toni Robertson 简介
生于缅甸瓦城,总厨 Robertson 游遍各国以建立她的厨艺知识及理念。年少时移居美国芝加哥后,曾加入美国空军,藉此拓展世界视野。在欧洲驻扎期间,她获得于顶级餐厅工作的机会,自始开展其厨艺生涯。
回到美国后,Robertson 受训于芝加哥烹饪与酒店管理学院,并以首名成绩毕业。她的厨艺足迹遍及多间名世知名顶尖酒店如:芝加哥丽思卡尔顿酒店、洛杉矶比弗利山四季酒店、以及位于夏威夷茂宜岛的大威雷亚度假酒店及水疗中心。在回到亚洲加盟新加坡泛太平洋酒店,并成为东南亚地区豪华酒店首位女性行政总厨前,Robertson 亦于南非Palace of the Lost City hotel 担任行政总厨一职。经过这一里程碑,Robertson 转移加盟位于美国加州的Sonoma Mission Inn & Spa,并矢志把生活品味融入美食,将水疗餐饮重新定义。四年后,她加入全球最大的餐饮公司之一,以发展及后名为Seasons 52 的著名餐馆。
Robertson 早于二零零五年曾先后于旧金山及纽约文华东方酒店担任行政总厨,及后于二零一四年被邀加入新加坡文华东方酒店,继续带领其团队创出多款经典名菜。
以上价格需另加壹服务费。订座请致电御苑餐厅 +853 8805 8918,或电邮至。此外,宾客可于 Robertson 总厨献艺期间,以优惠价格澳门币2, 388元入住客房连早餐。以上价格需另加壹服务费及零伍政府旅游税。如欲订房,请致电 +853 8805 8822 或电邮至momac-reservations@mohg.com与澳门文华东方酒店订房部联络,亦可透过文华东方酒店集团全球之销售及订房部,或利用集团网址www.mandarinoriental.com的网上订房服务。