Auspicious traditional feasts with a gourmet twist at refined Lai Chi Kok hub for fine food, art & music
Hong Kong’s glamorous new social salon for dining, art and music lovers, Greater China Club, celebrates its first Chinese New Year with an exquisite Michelin-style twist to traditional banquets served from January 18 to February 22, 2016.
Two auspicious 12 and 10-course menus – “The Golden Monkey” and “The Magical Monkey” – personally crafted by Executive Chef Chan Wai-Teng are respectively priced HK$4,888 for six / HK$8,888 for 12 and HK$3,888 for six / HK$6,888 for 12 at the refined rendezvous atop funky ‘New Kowloon’ dining destination D2 Place in Lai Chi Kok.
“The Golden Monkey” menu begins with elegant appetisers of Green Bamboo Shoots Marinated with Sesame Oil, Stewed Diced Beef Shin "Sichuan" Style and Chilled Pig Trotter with Preserved Plum Sauce. The feast begins in earnest with Roast Suckling Pig, Served with Sour Ginger and Thousand Years-Old Egg following the Chinese tradition.
Five seafood courses are headlined by Braised Whole Abalone with Goose Web – along with Double-Boiled Sea Whelk Soup with Chinese Yam, Red Dates and Longan; Braised Dried Oysters, Pig’s Tongue and Black Moss in Brown Sauce; Wok-Fried Shrimps, Scallops, Cashew Nuts and Celery; and Smoked Sole Fillet with “Longjing” Tea Leaves.
Deep-fried Chicken Coated with Crispy Rice and Garlic introduces the Club’s signature dish to the traditional menu. Poached Seasonal Vegetables with Wild Mushrooms and Lily Bulbs, Seafood Fried Rice with Egg, and Wok-Fried Vermicelli with Shark's Fin, Conpoy and Egg complete the festive celebration – with dessert of Golden Custard Glutinous Ball propitiously symbolising family togetherness as well as wealth and fortune.
“The Magical Monkey” commences with appetisers of Jelly Fish in Black Vinegar, Chilled Pig Trotter with Preserved Plum Sauce, and Green Bamboo Shoots Marinated with Sesame Oil. Two felicitous chicken dishes to follow include Double-Boiled Sliced Chicken Soup with Matutake Mushrooms, and Deep-fried Chicken Wing Stuffed with Shark's Fin and Yunnan Ham.
The culinary celebration continues with Braised Dried Oysters, Pig’s Tongue and Black Moss in Brown Sauce; Wok-fried Prawn Balls Coated with Oats and Egg Yolk; and Deep-fried Crispy Chicken. Braised Seasonal Vegetables with "Yunnan" Ham, Fried Rice with Egg White and Conpoy, and Braised Vermicelli with Minced Grouper and Preserved Vegetables complete the scrumptious banquet – with auspicious Golden Custard Glutinous Ball as dessert.
Greater China Club has also crafted uniquely auspicious dim sum welcoming the Year of the Monkey, including savoury pastry Iberico Ham Puff Pastry (HK$88), and fish-shaped Steamed Turnip Pudding with Conpoy (HK$55).
Also on the menu is ‘Lo Hei’ (HK$488), the Greater China Club’s luxurious version of the auspicious prosperity salad, featuring exquisite ingredients such as shredded melons, cucumbers, radishes, bell peppers and carrots, topped with purple cabbages, walnuts and abalones.
To celebrate The Club’s first Chinese New Year, Chef Chan is also presenting turnip cakes and sweet rice puddings using prime ingredients with traditional recipes for gift boxes, priced HK$168 and HK$128 respectively.
The newly opened Greater China Club is an elite salon-style rendezvous transporting guests back in time to the glamorous ‘roaring’ 1920s with Art Deco-inspired design – plus a rustic China twist. The chic new ‘urban retreat’ era atop D2 Place (named after its MTR exit at Lai Chi Kok) is the perfect place for gathering with business associates, friends and family during the festive season.
The elegant Cantonese restaurant is helmed by expert chefs from Michelin star restaurants offering a-la-carte and “couture dining” that guests can order in advance for specially-tailored menus; while Dim Sum is also available during lunch hours.
Classic jazz in a ‘speakeasy’ styled after a 1920s American nightclub underlines the club’s stylish credentials as a “quintessential rendezvous for those who appreciate the finer things in life”, along with traditional Chinese Guzheng and Pipa musical performances every evening.
“Our first Chinese New Year celebration is all about happiness, with food and music combining to create a one of a kind experience at this vibrant new dining, art and jazz destination atop D2 Place,” said Mr Eric Ting, Founder and CEO of Greater China Club.
Greater China Club is located on Unit A, 10/F, D2 Place, 9 Cheung Yee Street, Lai Chi Kok, Kowloon, Hong Kong. It opens from Monday to Thursday and Public Holidays, 12:00 noon to 12:00 midnight and Friday and Saturday, 12:00 noon to 1:00 am..
Open to the public, Greater China Club also offers Corporate and Individual memberships entitling members to special priced menus, waived service charges and exclusive benefits, priced HK$18,888 for corporate membership with 3 nominees and HK$6,888 for individual members. Monthly membership fees (which can be used for spending in the Club) are HK$600 and HK$300, respectively. Tourists are also welcomed with free admission.
For enquiries or reservations, please call (852) 2743-8055.
For more information, please visit or
两款如意新春盛宴由大公馆行政总厨陈伟庭悉心设计,分别为十二道菜的 “金猴贺岁” 及十道菜的 “灵猴献瑞”。“金猴贺岁”六位用定价为港币4,888元,十二位用定价为港币8,888元;而 “灵猴献瑞” 六位用定价为港币3,888元,十二位用则定价为港币6,888元。宾客可于推广期间于新九龙的时尚餐饮地标荔枝角D2 Place与亲朋好友恭迎猴年,细味总厨的精致烹调心思。
新春十二道菜盛宴的 “金猴贺岁” 以高雅精巧的前菜 “世代昌旺” 为猴年打开序幕;当中包括 “麻香蒿笋”、“麻辣牛展粒” 及 “横财就手”。盛宴继而由传统必备的 “红运全家福”(麒麟乳猪)率先为宾客送上真挚祝福,寓意全体如意吉祥。
紧接送上的五道海鲜菜式亦各有特色,包括 “包罗万有”(原只汤鲍扣鹅掌)、“竹报平安”(滋补养生炖响螺汤)、“恭喜发财”(发财好市大利)、“哈哈大笑”(芹香元贝炒虾仁)及“一帆风顺”(龙井茶香龙脷球),让宾客分享满满心意共庆团圆。
菜单中亦加入了大公馆的招牌菜式,如 “金凤报喜”(脆米蒜香鸡)、“珠光宝器”(百合杞子珍菌浸时蔬)、“金银堆满屋”(金银海皇炒饭)及 “富贵荣华”(功夫桂花鱼翅炒米粉),以贵气滋味为新年添上富贵好运。
完美盛宴少不了以甜点画上句号,大公馆便以 “财源滚滚”(黄金流沙煎堆)恭祝宾客于猴年家庭和睦、积玉堆金。
十道菜的 “灵猴献瑞” 盛宴包括前菜 “世代昌旺”,以 “凉拌海蜇头”、“横财就手” 及 “麻香莴笋”,呈献出粤菜的经典美味。两道以鲜鸡入馔的巧妙菜式包括 “竹报平安”(松茸菌竹笙鸡片清汤)及 “大展鸿图”(金翅穿凤翼),旨在向宾客展现食材的独特个性。
紧随奉上的菜式还有 “恭喜发财”(发财好市大利)、“哈哈大笑”(燕麦金沙虾球)及 “金凤报喜”(脆皮炸子鸡), 让人期待不已。其余菜式包括 “龙马精神”(云腿扒时蔬)、“金银堆满屋”(金瑶蛋白炒饭)及 “满载而归”(雪菜鱼茸炆火粉),款款佳肴均别具深远的祝福寓意。新春盛宴最后以甜点 “财源滚滚”(黄金流沙煎堆)作句点,让宾客品尝窝心幸福滋味。
另一方面,大公馆亦为今个猴年设计出一系列吉祥点心,当中包括形状灵感自矜贵黑毛猪火腿的 “西班牙黑毛猪风干火腿酥”(定价为港币88元)及 “瑶柱蒸鱼型萝卜糕”(定价为港币55元)。
寓意风生水起的特色贺年沙律 “捞起”(定价为港币488元),经由大公馆重新演绎并注入矜贵吉祥气息,让人跃跃欲试。以精细食材见称,大公馆的 “捞起” 将蜜瓜、青瓜、白萝卜、青椒及红萝卜切丝,并加上紫椰菜、合桃及鲍鱼,让新一年吃得丰盛。
大公馆位于区内最新消闲热点D2 Place顶层,以Art Deco风格为灵感并融入点点中式元素,将咆哮的二十年代(The Roaring Twenties)氛围演绎得淋漓尽致。D2 Place的名称源自其荔枝角地铁站出口D2,是区内最备受触目的活化项目之一,亦是新春期间安排聚会的好地方。
爵士酒吧的设计参照二十年代美国会所之 “隐蔽式” 风格,加上流金岁月的经典爵士曲目,突显作为 “享受奢华生活之士的约会热点” 所具备的时尚格调。另外,餐厅每晚亦不乏中国传统古筝及琵琶的音乐表演,绝对扣人心弦。
大公馆创办人暨行政总裁丁冠德先生表示:“我们首个农历新年的庆祝概念以欢聚为题,旨在用美食及音乐于集饮食、艺术及爵士乐于一身的D2 Place,为宾客带来丰盛完美的时尚体验。”
大公馆位于香港荔枝角长义街9号建业中心D2 Place10楼A,营业时间为周一至周四及公众假期:中午十二时至午夜十二时;周五及周六:中午十二时至凌晨一时。
除开放予公众宾客,大公馆亦提供企业及个人会籍,赋予会员以优惠价钱享用餐饮、免收服务费及其他专享服务等。企业会籍价钱为港币18,888元可供三位提名人享用,而个人会籍价钱为港币 6,888元。每月企业会籍费用为港币 600 元及个人会籍费用为港币300元(月费可全数作消费使用) 。