Culinary stars return to Guangzhou 12 months after the tremendous success of the 2014 Sofitel Star Chefs event; and 5 months after the unique Star Chef Tête-à-Tête 2015 event with 3 Michelin Star Chef Bruno Menard. In the final round of the year, Sofitel Star Chefs 2015 organized by Sofitel Guangzhou Sunrich from December 9th to December 11th, 2015 is set to create a truly unique and memorable culinary experience for the Epicureans of Guangzhou.
2015 marks the 30th anniversary of Accor Hotels Greater China. To celebrate this milestone, Sofitel Guangzhou Sunrich will host 8 celebrated Chefs from 4 countries, with a collective 9 Michelin Stars; showcasing a culinary masterpiece of French savoir faire. The event series features 10 dinners, 4 “up close & personal” lunches, 2 afternoon teas and 1 very unique stadium challenge where 4 teams / restaurants go head to head in a Michelin Star culinary extravaganza.
The 8 renowned Chefs coming from around the world are: Bruno Menard , 3 Michelin Star and Celebrity Chef from Singapore; Philippe Labbé, 2 Michelin Star Chef from France; Viki Geunes, 2 Michelin Star Chef and Culinary Publicist from Belgium; Sébastien Broda and Stephane Chambon, 1 Michelin Star Chefs from France; Luis Gonzalez, multi-awarded Chef from the Philippines; Gael Etrillard, multi-awarded pastry Chef from Singapore; and Justin Quek, multi-awarded Celebrity Chef from Singapore.
3 - Day events only and limited seats are on sale. For more details and seat booking, please dial 020-38190898 or email at
Sofitel Guangzhou Sunrich is strategically located in Tianhe, the most dynamic financial and commercial district of Guangzhou. Facilities include 493 spectacular French style décor rooms and suites, 5 innovative bars and restaurants, 17 state-of-the-art meeting rooms including a Grand Ballroom, extensive recreational facilities featuring the award winning So SPA, a So FIT 24-hour fitness centre and an indoor pool with a panoramic view and underwater music.
Chef Profile
Bruno Menard, 3 Michelin Stars, Celebrity Chef, Singapore
Bruno Menard earned 3 Michelin Stars at L’Osier, a Tokyo-based restaurant that has been voted among the top French restaurants outside of France. Chef Bruno has spent 20 years establishing some of the best restaurants in Asia, and currently runs a top-tier culinary consulting firm in Singapore. Chef Bruno currently can be seen as a distinguished judge on the world’s largest amateur cooking show, Master Chef Asia.
Philippe Labbé, 2 Michelin Stars, France
Philippe Labbé’s love of food stems from his father’s passion of charcuterie and his mother’s love of gourmet dining. His culinary journey has seen him work in some of France’s most iconic Michelin Star restaurants. Philippe’s first Michelin Star came in 2001 where he was the Executive Chef at Chateau de Bagnols. In 2003 he joined Chateau de la Chevre d’Or as head Chef, where he was awarded 2 Michelin Stars in 2007. In 2009 Philippe joined Hotel Shangri-la Paris as Executive Chef where he was awarded 2 Michelin Stars for his Restaurant L’Abeille. Currently Philippe is at the helm of the 2 Michelin Star Restaurant L’Arnsbourg. In 2013 Philippe was named Chef of the year by GaultMillau.
Viki Geunes, 2 Michelin Stars, Culinary Publicist, Belgium
Viki Geunes is living proof that a natural talent can also reach the culinary top without catering college or high-profile work placements. A self-taught foodie enthusiast, Viki Geunes educated himself to become the legendary Chef he is today. Chef Geunes was awarded his first Michelin star in 2004, with his second Michelin star coming in 2008. Along the way, Viki has published two culinary books and was named Chef of the year by GaultMillau in 2009.
Sébastien Broda, 1 Michelin Star, France
Sébastien Broda is one of the hottest young Chefs in France earning his first Michelin star at the Jarrier restaurant at age thirty, which he owned and ran in Biot. In 2009 he joined Park 45 kitchens; one of the most sought-after restaurants in Cannes and in just one year earned 1 Michelin Star. Chef Sebastien’s culinary philosophy is to be faithful to the Mediterranean tradition, but with a modern influence.
Stephane Chambon, 1 Michelin Star, France
Stephane Chambon’s passion for food stems from two generations of family culinary history. Le Pont de L’ Ouysse, the One Michelin Star family restaurant has in itself a long and rich history with the restaurant first listed in the Michelin Guide in 1905. Over his career, Chef Stephane has worked and led many fine hotels and restaurants across the globe before returning to the helm of his family restaurant in 2007 as the General Manager / Chef de Cuisine. In 2011 Stephane opened his second restaurant, Bistrot Chambon.
Justin Quek, Celebrity Chef, Singapore
Justin Quek is one of Asia’s most celebrated chefs, whose success spans over three decades. With his modern approach to French cuisine that melds a mastery of technique with a delicacy of touch, he single handedly put Singapore on the global gastronomy map, and in the process inspired a new generation of chefs.
Luis Gonzalez, Multi Award Winning Chef, Philippines
Originally from Torrelavega, Spain, Chele Gonzalez found an affinity for cooking at a very early age. Luis has worked in some of the world’s most respected restaurants including the famed 3 Michelin Star Arzak & El Bulli, where he developed his culinary philosophy. He is now based in the Philippines and has opened his restaurant Gallery VASK together with architect and artist Juan Carlo Calma which has just been named in the 2016 world’s 50 best restaurants list by S.Pellegrino.
Gael Etrillard, Multi Award Winning Pastry Chef, Singapore
Gael Etrillard started his pastry career in some of the most iconic Michelin Star restaurants in France. In 2006 Chef Gael left France to work in Singapore where he was the Executive Pastry Chef at Equinox (Restaurant Jaan) and then 3 years later joined the Legendary Raffles Hotel Singapore. Gael is now the Area Pastry Chef for the Les Verges Boiron group.
Event Schedule
December 9th, 2015
Star Chef up Close & Personal Lunch with Philippe Labbé (2 Michelin Stars) @ Le Grill
Price: 498 RMB + 15% per person including wine
Star Chef up Close & Personal Lunch with Sebastien Broda (1 Michelin Star) @ The Open Kitchen
Price: 498 RMB + 15% per person including wine
Star Chef Afternoon Tea with Gael Etrillard (Multi Awarded) @ 8, Faubourg
Price: 268 RMB + 15% per person including French Sparkling; 128 RMB + 15% per child
Star Chef Dinner with Jose Luis “Chele” Gonzalez (Multi Awarded) @ 8, Faubourg
Price: 988 RMB + 15% per person including wine
Star Chef Up Close & Personal Dinner with Justin Quek (Multi Awarded Celebrity Chef)
@ The Open Kitchen
Price: 1188 RMB + 15% per person including wine
Star Chef Dinner with Viki Geunes (2 Michelin Stars) @ Le Grill Chef Table
Price: 1388 RMB + 15% per person including wine
Star Chef Dinner with Bruno Menard (3 Michelin Stars) @ Le Grill’s Sapphire Room
Price: 1588 RMB + 15% per person including wine
Star Chef Dinner with Stephane Chambon (1 Michelin Star) @ The Presidential Suite
Price: 1288 RMB + 15% per person including wine
December 10th, 2015
Star Chef up Close & Personal Lunch with Bruno Menard (3 Michelin Stars) @ Le Grill
Price: 498 RMB + 15% per person including wine
Star Chef up Close & Personal with Viki Geunes (2 Michelin Stars) @ The Open Kitchen
Price: 498 RMB + 15% per person including wine
Star Chef Afternoon Tea with Gael Etrillard (Multi Awarded Pastry Chef) @ 8, Faubourg
Price: 268 RMB + 15% per person including French Sparkling; 128 RMB + 15% per child
Star Chef Dinner with Stephane Chambon (1 Michelin Star) @ 8, Faubourg
Price: 988 RMB + 15% per person including wine
Star Chef Up Close & Personal Dinner with Jose Luis “Chele” Gonzalez (Multi Awarded) @ The Open Kitchen
Price: 1188 RMB + 15% per person including wine
Star Chef Dinner with Sebastien Broda (1 Michelin Star) @ Le Grill Chef Table
Price: 1388 RMB + 15% per person including wine
Star Chef Dinner with Philippe Labbe (2 Michelin Stars) @ Le Grill’s Sapphire Room
Price: 1588 RMB +15% per person including wine
Star Chef Dinner with Justin Quek (Multi Awarded Celebrity Chef) @ The Presidential Suite
Price: 1288 RMB + 15% per person including wine
December 11th, 2015
Star Chef Stadium Challenge (4 teams of 2 Chefs each)
Price: 1488 RMB + 15% per person including wine
For more information or sponsorship, please email or call 020-38190814.
时隔一年,索菲特星厨艺术秀载誉归来!一众享负盛名的星厨再现广州。在别出心裁的2015星厨面对面——约会米其林3星厨师Bruno Menard活动5个月后,2015索菲特星厨艺术秀终极盛会即将上演。这场星光熠熠的酒店厨艺秀由广州圣丰索菲特大酒店倾力打造,将于2015年12月9日至12月11日举行,这将为广州的美食家们创造一次独特而又难忘的厨艺体验。
受邀的八位星级大厨来自世界各地:新加坡米其林三星明星大厨Bruno Menard、法国米其林二星大厨Philippe Labbé、比利时二星米其林大厨及厨艺作家Viki Geunes、法国米其林一星大厨Sébastien Broda和Stephane Chambon、菲律宾多项国际大奖得主Luis Gonzalez、新加坡屡获殊荣的甜品大师Gael Etrillard以及明星大厨Justin Quek。
广州圣丰索菲特大酒店坐落于天河区心脏地带--广州市最繁华的金融及商业区。设施包括493间独特法国风格的客房与套房,5间创新的餐厅与酒吧,17间极具艺术品位的会议室包括一间大型宴会厅,丰富的娱乐休闲设施,包括屡获殊荣的So SPA水疗中心、24小时So FIT 健身康体中心及具备水底音乐播放系统的室内游泳池。
Bruno Menard,米其林三星大厨,明星厨师,新加坡
Bruno Menard曾带领位于东京的L’Osier获得三星米其林殊荣,该餐厅被评为法国以外的最佳法国餐厅之一。Chef Bruno助力多家亚洲顶级餐厅的营运近20年,目前在新加坡经营一家顶尖的餐饮咨询公司。Chef Bruno同时是全球最大型的烹饪真人秀节目《厨艺大师》亚洲区的明星裁判。
Philippe Labbé,米其林二星大厨,法国
Philippe Labbé对烹饪的热情来自于他父母对美食的热爱。他在法国多间顶级米其林餐厅的工作经历铺就其厨师之路。 ChefPhillippe在2001年担任Chateau de Bagnols餐厅的行政总厨期间获得了他的第一颗米其林之星。2003年,他加入Chateau de la Chevre d’Or餐厅担任首席厨师长并于2007年获得了米其林二星殊荣。2009年,Philippe作为巴黎香格里拉酒店的行政总厨,带领其运营的L’Abeille餐厅,再次获得了米其林二星的赞誉。目前他正在经营一家米其林二星餐厅L’Arnsbourg。2003年,Philippe曾被视为美食圣经之一的高特米鲁美食评鉴评为年度最佳厨师。
Viki Geunes,米其林二星大厨,厨艺作家,比利时
Viki Geunes凭借过人的天赋跃身顶级厨师行列,向世人证明科班出身或高履历并不是通往厨艺巅峰的唯一途径。他通过对美食的热情自学成才,成为当代厨艺界一代传奇人物。Chef Viki在2004年获得其首颗米其林之星,其后在2008年获得了米其林二星殊荣。2009年,Chef Viki出版了2本烹饪书籍并被高特米鲁美食评鉴评为年度最佳厨师。
Sébastien Broda,米其林一星大厨,法国
Sébastien Broda是法国最炙手可热的年轻厨师之一,他在30岁的时候便带领自己创办的餐厅Jarrier获得了米其林一星。2009年,他加入了戛纳最受欢迎的餐厅之一Park 45 kitchens,并在一年内获得了米其林一星的肯定。 Chef Sébastien的烹饪哲学是忠于地中海传统的同时融汇现代特色。
Stephane Chambon,米其林一星大厨,法国
Stephane Chambon对食物的热情来自于家族两代人的烹饪传承。Le Pont de L’Ouysse,这家米其林一星的家庭餐厅有着悠长而丰富的历史,它早于1905年便首次入选米其林指南。Chef Stephane曾在全球多家高端酒店和餐厅工作,2007年他回到其家庭餐厅担任总经理和厨师长。2011年,Stephane开设了自己的第二家餐厅Bistrot Chambon。
Justin Quek,明星厨师,新加坡
Luis Gonzalez,多项国际大奖获得者,菲律宾
生于西班牙托雷拉维加的厨师Gonzales在年幼时便被烹饪所吸引。Luis曾经在多家世界知名的餐厅工作,其中包括名声显赫的米其林三星餐厅Arzak & El Bulli,并在那里发展出他的烹饪哲学。他目前定居于菲律宾并与知名建筑及艺术家Juan Carlo Calma共同创办了餐厅Gallery VASK。该餐厅于2006年入选圣培露评选的全球最佳50餐厅。
Gael Etrillard,屡获殊荣的糕点厨师,新加坡
Gael Etrillard的糕点厨师生涯开启于法国那些最具标志性的米其林餐厅。在2006年,Gael离开法国前往新加坡,在Equinox企业下的Jaan餐厅担任饼房行政总厨。3年后,他加入了具有传奇色彩的新加坡莱佛士酒店。目前他正在Les Verges Boiron集团担任区域饼房总厨。
星厨零距离互动午宴@ 香榭丽舍扒房 – Philippe Labbe (米其林二星大厨)
星厨零距离互动午宴@ 开放式厨房 – Sebastien Broda(米其林一星大厨)
星厨下午茶@巴黎8号酒吧 – Gael Etrillard (多项大奖得主)
星厨晚宴@巴黎8号酒吧 – Jose Luis “Chele” Gonzalez(多项大奖得主)
星厨零距离互动晚宴@开放式厨房 – Justin Quek郭文秀(多项大奖得主,明星厨师)
星厨晚宴@香榭丽舍扒房主厨餐桌 – Viki Geunes(米其林二星大厨)
星厨晚宴@香榭丽舍扒房蓝宝石房 – Bruno Menard(米其林三星大厨)
星厨晚宴@总统套房 – Stephane Chambon(米其林一星大厨)
星厨零距离互动午宴@ 香榭丽舍扒房 – Bruno Menard(米其林三星大厨)
星厨零距离互动午宴@ 开放式厨房 – Viki Geunes(米其林二星大厨)
星厨下午茶@巴黎8号酒吧 – Gael Etrillard (多项大奖得主)
星厨晚宴@巴黎8号酒吧 – Stephane Chambon(米其林一星大厨)
星厨零距离互动晚宴@开放式厨房 – Jose Luis “Chele” Gonzalez(多项大奖得主)
星厨晚宴@香榭丽舍扒房主厨餐桌 – Sebastien Broda(米其林一星大厨
星厨晚宴@香榭丽舍扒房蓝宝石房 – Philippe Labbe (米其林二星大厨)
星厨晚宴@总统套房 – Justin Quek郭文秀(多项大奖得主,明星厨师)
