Come on the Capoeira lesson to spend quality time with your children.
What is Capoeira ?
Capoeira originates from Brazilian martial art infused with dance and elements of game play, music and folklore. Today Capoeira is an even broader concept referring to the art of personal development on a both physical and intellectual level. Capoeira classes incorporate a number of elements
Music and Rhythmic
One of the key elements of Capoeira classes is singing and playing original Brazilian instruments, such as:
berimbau (bow-like instrument), atabaque (a drum) and pandeiro (similar to a tambourine). Since Capoeira is so deeply rooted in its culture during our classes we also learn Brazilian folk dances
Gymnastics and aerobics with elements of martial arts
All the classes begin with a special muscles and joint warm-up with the focus on preparing the kids for intense physical exercise. The classes are mostly conducted through game play, which helps children focus.
This is the part of the classes in which the kids get to know the basic elements of acrobatics, while being under a constant care of the coach. These elements are used during „roda”(circle)time , which is the ultimate form of Capoeira.
Who is the coach?
The coach is Michal Dziobkowski aka Impolgado (Capoeira alias), who for the last 15 years has been gathering experience in various form of martial arts such as: Taekwondo, Judo, Boxing, and acrobatics.
How can your child benefit from playing Capoeira?
Capoeira improves stamina, and strengthens muscles. It gives children a sense of safety and greater confidence, shapes their interests and can positively affect their development in one of the areas promoted by Capoeira (music, art, martial arts, acrobatics). Children learn empathy as well as rules and codes of behavior in a group setting. You learn how important it is to respect others (your coach/teacher, friends and school colleagues).
该课程教练是Michael Dziobkowski。近十五年来他一直研究学习各种形式的武术,例如:跆拳道,柔道,拳击和杂技。