welcomes Michelin starred chef,Ngan Ping Chow, to Vida Rica Restaurant from 3 to 5 March 2017. Chef Ping will offer aninspiring interactive dining experience, showcasing his celebrated molecular cooking techniques, during a three-day residency. As head of Tapas Molecular Bar at Mandarin Oriental, Tokyo, his artfully created and theatrically presented cuisine is much admired.
At Vida Rica Restaurant, Chef Ping will prepare his bite-sized delicacies in front of dinerswhile explaining the story behind each dish and the secrets of adding the perfect finishingtouch. Combining Japanese and Western cooking styles, he will create new texture and flavour combinations that stimulate both the imagination and palate. There will be two sittings limited to 12 diners each per night, priced at MOP 1,880 per person including wine pairing.
Originally from Hong Kong, Chef Ping has overseen the reinvention of Tapas Molecular Bar at Mandarin Oriental, Tokyo, where he won his first Michelin star in December 2014. The former head chef of Hong Kong’s highly praised one-thirtyone restaurant, he moved to Japan in 2013, where he learned about the country’s rich, diverse produce before taking the helm at Tapas Molecular Bar. Molecular cuisine is a modern style of cooking where chefs take a scientific approach to transforming the taste and texture of food by experimenting with different physical and chemical processes, such as altering temperature and pressure.
2017 年 3 月 3 日至 5 日期间,澳门文华东方酒店邀请米其林名厨周雁平亲临御苑餐厅献艺。由他亲自主理、位于东京文华东方酒店的Tapas Molecular Bar 餐厅已连续三年获得米其林指南颁予一星殊荣。这次,他将于酒
店皇牌食府御苑餐厅悉心炮制一系列创意分子料理艺术作品,为饕客们送上尊贵的美食体验。充满无限想像的大厨周雁平,将透过创新菜单,于宾客前展现日式和西式美食完美融合的分子料理菜式,其中精选创意分子料理菜式包括:Cigar、Surf and Turf、以及Egg and Toast。上述菜式均为周雁平大厨的创作精华,并汇聚于每晚仅限两场,每场容纳最多十二位宾客的创意分子料理晚餐中。创意分子料理菜单每位澳门币1,880,包括餐酒搭配,其创新口感及味道组合,定必让各饕客们惊喜万分。
曾為香港享負盛名的 One-ThirtyOne 餐廳擔任主廚的名廚周雁平,于 2013 年移居日本鑽研其丰富多样的料理文化及烹调技后,担起掌舵东京最顶尖的食府-TapasMolecular Bar 的重任,亲自监督餐厅革新,并于 2014 年 12 月带领餐厅摘下首次米其林星级殊荣,将美食的艺术融入表演美学,让美食体验推向巅峰。以上价格皆需另加壹服务费。订座请致电御苑餐厅 (853) 88058918,或电邮至momac-vidarica@mohg.com