The Beaujolais Nouveau is back!
This year again, the French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Shenzhen, in partnership with the General Consulate of France in Canton, is going to celebrate the arrival of the Beaujolais Nouveau wine on Thursday, November 17 th at Sofitel Guangzhou Sunrich, Canton.
The new red wine produced by LES VINS GEORGES DUBOEUF and transported by BOLLORE, will gather over 600 guests, including the Consul General of France, Mr. Bertrand FURNOR and the Vice-President of CCIFC in China, Ms. Vaizoue HUYNH, all together in an enjoyable and convivial atmosphere.
The arrival of Beaujolais Nouveau is a tradition celebrated by numerous countries for several years. Its commercialization is strictly regulated by the French government and cannot be released before the third Thursday of November.
This exceptional festival, under the sign of conviviality, has mingled pleasantly wine tasting, dinner-spectacle, and of course, the discovery of Beaujolais Nouveau. A traditional French menu will also be served on the buffet, accompanied by cheeses and other surprises of our delicious French cuisines.
This event in South China is also a precious occasion for numerous enterprises of both Chinese and French communities to diversify and extend their activities. Assembled around the tables of the banquet, many enterprises, international firms and SMEs, have the opportunity to represent their industry and exchange efficiently. Forty corporate tables are reserved to enable invitees to spend the evening in a perfect atmosphere for business interactions.
It is in a sharing and tasting ambiance that wine glasses are going to be clinking at this key event in South China.
2016 博若莱新酒晚会又和大家见面了!
今年,中国法国工商会和官方合作伙伴--法国驻广州总领事馆一起欢庆的博若莱新酒晚会将于 2016 年 11月 17 日在广州圣丰索菲特大酒店举行。
由 GEORGES DUBOEUF 酒庄负责生产,BOLLORE 负责引入中国的新鲜血液(博若莱新酒),将聚集超过 600 名宾客来参加这场盛宴,其中包括法国驻广州总领事馆领事 Bertrand FURNO 先生,中国法国工商会副主席Vaizoue HUYNH 女士。此外,还有许多法国大型企业的策划者以及中国华南地区的中国政府官员。
多年以来,庆祝博若莱新酒的到来已经成为全球许多国家的传统。每年 11 月的第三个星期四为博若莱新酒节,也是博若莱新酒上市的好日子,为了实现全球统一上市,法国政府严格禁止在法定发售时间之前销售。这个非比寻常的节日把大家聚集在一起,在友好欢乐的氛围下品鉴美酒、享用晚餐、观看表演,当然,还有必不可少再一次发现薄若莱新酒的独特美味。美酒相伴,深圳香格里拉大酒店将为您提供一场让人期待的法国传统佳肴自助餐。
在中国华南地区举办的这这次盛会将同时提供一个优秀的平台让更多有潜力的公司拓展他们的业务。宴会上餐桌的四周将出现各种各样不同公司的品牌标志,他们将通过本次的活动与在场的来宾进行信息的交换,从而进一步促进合作的交流与发展。超过 40 台餐桌已经接受预定,在场的来宾将沉醉在一个完美的气氛中,与美酒佳肴有个约会。
杯觥交错,让我们一起期待这一场充满欢乐热情的盛会在 11 月的中国华南地区带来的热烈回响吧。
现场购票: 400 元
商会非会员: 6500元