Hilton is a proud corporate partner of the McLaren team since 2005. With 21 races this season, Hilton provides the McLaren team with a home from home at the majority of race locations. As the world’s most watched annual sport, Grand Prix racing covers five continents in 21 countries across the globe and through the partnership, Hilton HHonors is delighted to provide its members with incredible and memorable experiences worth sharing in many of the same locations.
To celebrate the Singapore Grand Prix in September 2016, Hilton is offering stays at the first McLaren themed suite room in Asia Pacific as well as a HHonors Access money-can’t-buy experience with the McLaren Suite.
McLaren Racing Suite in Hilton Singapore
Asia Pacific’s first McLaren Suite at Hilton Singapore is created to fulfill the ultimate dream of any racing aficionados! Packed with genuine McLaren racing equipment and memorabilia, including driver race suits and helmets, a stack of tyres, a real McLaren-Honda racing car steering wheel and podium, the unique racing-themed suite has been unveiled to coincide with the Singapore Grand Prix between September 16 - 18 and will be available for a limited time only from September 4 – 26 for the public, as well as Hilton HHonors members. To book, visit www.singapore.hilton.com/promotions.
HHonors Access Money-Can’t-Buy Experience: McLaren Suite Stay with a Private Molecular Cuisine Dinner for Two created by Hilton Singapore Executive Chef Vijayakant Shanmugam
Exceptional hotels, exclusive access, and experiences money can't buy… these are unique benefits for members of Hilton HHonors, Hilton's award-winning global loyalty program. In addition to redeeming Points for stays at any property within Hilton’s portfolio of over 4,660 hotels, resorts and timeshare properties across 102 countries and territories, Hilton HHonors members can also redeem Points for a two-night stay in the McLaren Suite at Hilton Singapore which comes with a Private Molecular Cuisine Dinner for two. Specially created by Hilton Singapore Executive Chef Vijayakant Shanmugam, the exclusive, one-time-only molecular gastronomy features exquisite choice of produce including beluga caviar, wagyu beef marble score 9, truffles, Jerusalem artichokes, foie gras and Alaskan crab.
Please note that this package does not include travel costs. Bid now at HHonors.com/auctions to PLAY!
全球领先的酒店管理公司希尔顿(NYSE: HLT)携手迈凯伦-本田,宣布在新加坡希尔顿酒店推出亚洲首个以赛车为主题的套房。赛车爱好者可于2016年9月4日至26日期间通过singapore.hilton.com/promotions 进行房间预定。希尔顿荣誉客会(Hilton HHonors)会员则可通过HHonors.com/auctions平台竞标获得此次独特体验的机会,在迈凯伦-本田套房度过美好一晚以及享受由新加坡希尔顿酒店行政总厨Vijayakant Shanmugam特别准备的私人定制晚餐。希尔顿荣誉客会是希尔顿推出的会员免费参与的客户忠诚度计划。
希尔顿亚太区高级副总裁兼商务总监Ben George表示:“希尔顿酒店志在为所有宾客,尤其是希尔顿荣誉客会会员,打造完美无暇的入住体验。会员直接向希尔顿酒店预订客房,不仅能获得专享折扣和免费Wi-Fi等优惠福利,还能享受许多特别的活动体验。我们十分高兴能够与如迈凯伦-本田等志同道合的品牌携手,为我们会员创造这一系列横跨音乐、体育及文化的非凡体验,完美展示我们作为亚太地区高品质酒店的卓越形象。”
• 为冠军量身定制:新加坡希尔顿酒店定制的以赛车为主题的迈凯伦-本田套房里面布满包括车手比赛服、头盔、靴子和手套在内的全套迈凯伦-本田车手比赛用品,以及迈凯伦-本田赛车方向盘和一套展示轮。套房甚至包括专门绣上迈凯伦-本田Formula 1车手费尔南多·阿隆索和简森·巴顿名字的浴袍。
• 希尔顿曾经款待过一些最顶尖的赛车选手:从2005年起,希尔顿就为迈凯伦-本田Formula 1车队选手如费尔南多·阿隆索和简森·巴顿这些现役车手提供温暖之家。
• 为迈凯伦-本田Formula 1车队提供宾至如归的入住体验:本赛季共有21场比赛,截至目前,希尔顿已经在7个比赛地点招待了迈凯伦-本田Formula 1车队。为了帮助车手应对时差并以最佳身体状态应对以欧洲时间为准的比赛,希尔顿旗下系列亚太地区酒店按照欧洲时间为迈凯伦-本田Formula 1车队提供服务。例如,在新加坡,酒店会在下午2点-3点为车手提供早餐,并且餐饮是为车手量身定制以保证他们的身体脂肪率低于10%。
• 希尔顿荣誉客会打造非同寻常的独特体验:迈凯伦-本田套房仅是希尔顿为希尔顿荣誉客会会员提供的众多特别体验活动中的其中一项。马尔代夫伦格里岛康莱德酒店 (Conrad Maldives Rangali Island)的马尔代夫岛冒险之旅可谓是最经典的独特体验活动之一,共吸引了885,000荣誉会员积分的投标,创造了拍卖史上积分投标的最高记录,并成为拍卖史上第三高中标数(以所花费荣誉会员积分计算)。