Edsal Sandusky Corporation Zhongshan is the Wholly Owned Foreign Enterprise that located in Zhongshan City of Guangdong province in China. The company was established in 2006. it is located near the Zhongshan port and YanTian Port. We enjoy the quiet and elegant environment and convenient transportation. As one of the biggest Steel Storage Product manufacturers in U.S, our company has been in this industry for over 50 years. Edsal Sandusky Corporation Zhongshan is the natural extension of the U.S. parent company.
Our main products are the Shelving/Workbench, Office furniture, Steel Lockers, Safety cabinets, Drawing/Blue print storage, Educational storages, etc.
Our aim is to provide the quality products and excellent service to the customers worldwide.
EDSAL总部位于芝加哥,在伊利诺斯有三个生产工厂及一个物流中心,EDSAL从事相关产品研发与设计已超过五十多年的历史,主要客户分布在工业企业、家庭、学校、大型连锁零售企业等。 EDSAL是目前美国最大的货架和办公家具的生产厂家,市场份额达到75%~80%。像沃尔玛Wal*Mart、固安捷Grainger、家得宝Home Depot、欧迪办公Office Depot等全球五百强企业都是我司多年的合作伙伴。
中山德凯实业有限公司成立于2006年4月,是美国Edsal在中国的独资企业,主要从事货架、更衣柜、防火柜、工作台、文件柜等钢制仓储产品和办公产品的生产制造和销售。 在2006年开始投产,辅助美国公司的运作。
我们现在是一家多样化的公司:1. 辅助美国公司的生产; 2. 在北美有自己的客户基础; 3. 在全球有自己的客户基础; 4. 在中国有自己的客户基础。