Creativity at JU & KE is from close observations and explorations of end user need. Our design methodology is based on human centered design philosophy.
We focus on individual customer’s needs in order to produce better products. Our goal is not having more clients, rather, it is to have close relation and long term partners.
JU & KE prioritizes customers’ problem above anything, strategizing problems with a rigorous and passionate approach. We believe, every challenge should be confronted with a forward thinking vision and a quick to respond attitude.
矩刻的设计创意源于对消费者需求的细致观察。我们秉承“以人为本” 的设计哲学,关注消费者的个性化需求,以此创造出更好的产品。
矩刻设计服务将最注重消费者需求痛点和面临的问题,我们用严 格却又充满激情的方法来研究制定长期战略规划。我们相信,长 远的思考规划和快速回应的积极态度将解决一切您面临的挑战。