We are thrilled to announce that we have invited Chef Wang, the Master Chef and his team from the Howard Plaza Hotel Taipei to be our Guest Chefs in the Cascade Café from September 15th to September 27th.
Master Chef Wang has over 40 years culinary experience in traditional Taiwanese cuisine. He joined the Taiwan Hotel apprenticeship program and immediately fell in love with cooking when he was young. He then served as Sous-Chef in France P.M.L Hotel learning the art of French cuisine 10 years later. When he returned to Taiwan, he joined the Howard Plaza Hotel Taipei as the Master Chef.
Master Chef Wang and his team will be showcasing their unique styles to create local Taiwanese delicacies made up of a rich blend of fiery and delicate spices and with the freshest ingredients. The guest chef team is known for their traditional Taiwanese cuisines such as Oyster Omelet, Deep-Fried Pork Tenderloin with Chinese Five Spices, Steamed Baby Abalone, Wok Fried Chicken with Soy Sauce and Rice Wine, Deep-Fried Taro Dessert, and other mouthwatering dishes!
Experience the authentic Taiwanese cuisine only at the Garden Hotel, Guangzhou.
For reservations, please kindly contact Ms. Connie Liu - Resident Experience Manager at +86 18929508598 or our Resident Experience team on the 13th floor in the Resident Tower.
预订电话: (86-20) 8333 8989 转 3909/3613
位置- 大堂
自助午餐 中午 12 时至下午 2 时 30 分 , 价格:248+15%/每位
自助晚餐 下午6时至晚上10时,价格:188+15%/每位