Mandarin Oriental, Macau is delighted to announce the appointment of Wong Tak Wing as its new Chinese Executive Chef. Bringing over 22 years of expertise honed in several fine restaurants to the role, Chef Wong is set to elevate the dining experience to the next level by overseeing the hotel’s Chinese culinary operations and launching his signature menu at Vida Rica Restaurant, which highlights a modern approach of healthy and green eating to traditional Cantonese cuisine.
A Hong Kong native, Chef Wong first discovered his interest in cooking whilst preparing meals at home for his family as young as seven. Later on, he was inspired by a friend who worked in a restaurant as a professional chef, prompting him to sign up for culinary school at the age of 17. Soon he was fascinated by the kitchen’s dynamic atmosphere and found his passion for cooking tasty dishes for the satisfaction of diners. Pursuing his dream to shine in the culinary field, he then worked his way up through various posts in some of Hong Kong’s most popular Michelin-starred restaurants, including Lei Garden, Ming Garden and Nanhai No. 1.
Born into a fishing family, Chef Wong has a profound knowledge of seafood and is well known for his seafood specialities. As a healthy eater, he is also eager to share his preference for light and fresh food by using a wide variety of vegetables, accentuating colour and freshness in the presentation. In spite of this contemporary approach, he insists on preserving traditional Cantonese cooking techniques, offering a perfect balance of flavours and textures to satisfy all senses of diners.
One of his signature dishes, Steamed Crab Claw with Egg White, Crab Roe and Hua Tiao Wine, brings out the sweetness and succulence of the crab with the smooth, creamy texture of egg white, which is steamed to perfection and delicately flavoured with the Chinese rice wine. The dish balances the crab’s yin coolness and the wine’s yang warmth, achieving the ultimate harmony in Chinese cuisine. Pan-Fried Giant Garoupa Stuffed with Prawn Mousse and Supreme Soy Sauce blends the two premium seafood’s inviting flavours, which are enhanced by Chef Wong’s specially made sauce. Assorted Seafood Rice with Pork and Vegetables in Supreme Broth features a flavourful soup made with a variety of fish and crustaceans, such as lobsters and crabs, as well as soft and crispy rice that offers enticing layered textures. The Smoked and Braised Beef Ribs with Rock Sugar and Lime Zest is slow-cooked for hours to achieve irresistible tenderness and juiciness. Chef Wong’s signature dishes also include Poached Tomato with Mixed Mushrooms and Supreme Broth, a tasty and healthy creation using organic tomatoes and selected wild mushrooms from Yunnan, cooked in double-boiled chicken and scallop soup.
Sourcing only top-quality food ingredients, Chef Wong also emphasises listening to and understanding diners. “Guest satisfaction is the first priority and the best reward for a chef,” says Chef Wong. “I am dedicated to providing authentic Chinese dining experiences to uphold Vida Rica’s reputation as one of Macau’s superior restaurants.”
澳门文华东方酒店宣布委任黄德荣师傅出任中餐行政 总厨,黄师傅拥有二十二年主理中菜的经验及专业的烹饪技艺,尤其擅长烹调粤菜, 深谙其个中精髓,他的菜式秉承传统更与创意兼具。 由他领军的中厨团队,将以超卓 非凡的厨艺,呈献创新独特、健康精致的传统粤式美馔,为御苑餐厅带来焕然一新的 景象。
在香港土生土长的黄师傅早年便入行学师,由于年少时期经常为家人下厨,从而对之 产生浓厚兴趣。 及后在同侪聚会间机缘认识了一位专业厨师,在其启发下,便于十七 岁时毅然决定进入烹饪学校就读。 初出茅庐的他受工作环境的热情感染,激发他追求 极致的烹煮技巧,更立志要做出令飨客满意的料理。 在追求梦想的道路上,师傅凭着 不屈不挠的毅力及对工作的热诚,先后于利苑、南海一号及名苑酒家等多间知名米芝 莲食府磨练厨艺,掌握烹煮中菜的奥妙之处。
生于渔民家庭,黄德荣师傅自小便与「海」结下缘份,他对海鲜的认识和烹煮方式瞭 如指掌。 在追求色香味俱全的同时,秉持健康饮食观念的黄师傅亦爱于摆盘时用上各 式各样颜色丰富、清爽及健康的蔬菜,为美馔「画龙点晴」。 此外,为坚持传统粤菜 烹调方式,黄师傅每每创作新菜色均遵循「不悖于古,而利于今」的原则,旨意以完 美平衡满的味道质感,满足各饕餮的无限感官享受。
其招牌菜「花雕蛋白蒸蟹钳」,以甘香醇厚的花雕,将蟹肉的鲜嫩多汁和蛋白的清香 软绵完美融合,可说是达至中华饮食文化中「阴阳调和」之最高境界;另一道「皇龙 金甲」以独门酱料,将两鲜的味道一并带出。
黄师傅亦推荐「海鲜汤西施泡饭」,用精选的时令海鲜熬煮而成的汤浓郁鲜甜,配以 两种不同口感的跪炸米粒及烹煮白米,充分吸收海鲜汤的丰富精华。 经典菜式「金牌 牛肋骨」,总厨悉心挑选香嫩细滑的牛肋骨部分,搭配浓郁秘制酱汁经数小时熬煮, 软嫩多汁的牛肉与松软中式白包馅饼咸甜交融。 最后,必需介绍另一道菜式「浓汤珍 菌烩西红柿」,采用有机种植的新鲜西红柿,配以云南野生珍菌,为宾客带来另一营 养健康的美馔选择。
除了坚持选用优质食材,黄师傅亦强调必须聆听及理解顾客的意见,并谓:「客人的 满意是最好的回馈。 」他补充道:「我深信透过团队们勇于创新及对优质餐饮的坚持 与理念,秉承御苑餐厅一丝不苟的的服务质量,为宾客带来升华的餐饮体验。 」