Joy Chinese is a Language Training Center aimed at the expats living in China. But Joy Chinese is more than just a school which teaches Chinese. They introduce expats to China not only on a linguistical level but also on a cultural level by using a more-dimensional angle to perceive an old but prevailing and uprising country like China.
As the name says, learning the language with Joy Chinese is fun and not just a difficult undertaking. They developed a concept that makes learning Chinese enjoyable and with which you can notice a progress even after a short time.
Their two courses “JOY Chinese in 3 Months-Chinese Express” and “JOY Chinese Intermediate Course” make it possible to learn the local language within a few months. The method used by Joy Chinese includes multiple perspectives and is very practice oriented. This has shown to be effective and helpful for many expats.Their programmes have existed for over 10 years and have been improved constantly - does this not proof its success?
Joy Chinese是一所为在华外籍人士提供语言培训的机构。而Joy Chinese不仅仅是一家学中文的学校, 他们不仅为在华的外籍人士提供普通话,广东话等语言培训服务,还从文化上用多方位视角去引导他们认知中国这个古老而文明的国家。
正如其校名,在Joy Chinese学习语言是积极而有趣的。学校提出的新教育理念可让学生在短期的愉悦学习中得到巨大的进步。
学校开设的两门课程 - “JOY Chinese in 3 Months-Chinese Express”和“JOY Chinese Intermediate Course” – 这让学生在数月内掌握新语言。Joy Chinese的教学方法以多思路和重实践为导向。而这教学方法在许多学员身上取得了印证。10年的老店和学校不断的壮大不正好反映了他们的成功么?