The world’s premier theatrical ice skating company, The Imperial Ice Stars, make their debut at the Hong Kong Cultural Centre with their award-winning masterpiece Swan Lake on Ice.
To Tchaikovsky’s glorious music, the 23 Olympic, World, European and National Championship-level skaters push the boundaries of ice dance with their breathtaking high-speed leaps and throws, awe-inspiring flying sequences and lifts, and their grace and athleticism.
Sumptuous sets, spectacular fire-on-ice effects and opulent costumes all add to an unforgettable experience.
From London to Sydney and Toronto to Tokyo, The Imperial Ice Stars have earned five-star praise from audiences and critics alike.
Whether you’ve seen The Imperial Ice Stars before or have yet to experience the thrill of world-class ice skating up close in a theatre, this exhilarating and innovative portrayal of the iconic love story will have you on the edge of your seat.