On Friday September 11th, 2015, the Consulate General of Mexico in Guangzhou celebrated the 205th Anniversary of the Independence of Mexico hosting a reception in the Sunrich Sofitel Hotel.
The Acting Consul General of Mexico in Guangzhou, Jose Alberto Limas welcomed around 250 guests that included Chinese authorities, business people, representatives of cultural and education institutions, the media and other friends and partners of Mexico in Guangzhou and other cities in Southern China. Representatives of around 40 foreign Consulates, including more than 20 Consuls General attended the reception too.
The guest of honor was Mr. Wu Ken, Deputy Secretary General of the Guangdong’s Province People’s Government, while the Municipality of Guangzhou was represented by Mr. Feng Jun, Deputy Secretary General of the city’s Government. Other Chinese guests from Government departments were Mme. Qiu Xiaosu, Director General of the Guandong’s province People’s Congress Standing Committee, high-levels officials from the Guangdong and Guangzhou Foreign Affairs Offices, as well as representatives from the Zhongshan and Sanya Municipalities and Zhuhai’s Hengqin District.
In the official ceremony the National Anthems pf the United Mexican States and the People’s Republic of China were sung. Consul Alberto Limas delivered a speech mentioning the long history of exchange and friendship between Mexico, Guangdong and Southern China, beginning with the Acapulco-Manila Galleon that traveled across the Pacific from the XVI to the XIX centuries, and the relevant role that the trade of silver played. This history was an important part of the exhibition “Mexico in Silver: history and future”, visited by more than 120 thousand people in the Guangdong Museum from June to September this year. Consul Limas also highlighted the development of friendship and exchanges in modern times with Guangdong and Southern China, reflected in facts likes the following:
• The best part of the Chinese population and their descendants living in Mexico trace back their ancestral hometown to Guangdong.
• Guangdong and Fujian represent around 30% of the total trade Between Mexico and China.
• Trade between Mexico and Guangdong in 2014 surpassed 10 billion USD, a figure similar to the trade that Mexico has with important partners like Brazil, Spain or the region of Central America.
• Exports from Mexico to Guangdong are larger than those made to countries like France, the UK or Italy.
• Many of the largest Chinese companies investing in Mexico are from Guangdong and many of them have technology-intensive operations in the country.
• Cultural and education cooperation with Guangdong are developing fast.
• The State of Mexico and Guangdong signed a twinning agreement in 2002. So far, there are many other agreements with regional and local governments in Southern China, like those between Quintana Roo state and Hainan Province, Cancun and Sanya, Xiamen and Guadalajara, Zhongshan and Culiacan, Toluca and Nanchang.
墨西哥州于2002年签署协议与广东省缔结友好州省,而广州和深圳也分别与墨西哥城签署了合作协议。 除此之外,海南省与金塔纳罗奥州亦是友好省州关系,互结友好关系的城市则有坎昆和三亚、瓜达拉哈拉与厦门、托卢卡与南昌及库利亚坎与中山等,蒂华纳和珠海的友好协议事宜也正在如火如荼地洽谈中。
• Both sides have frequently exchanged visits, like those made this year to Mexico by the Chairman of the Guandong’s Province People’s Congress Standing Committee, Mr. Huang Longyun, the Mayor of Shenzhen, Mr. Xu Qin and the Chairwoman of the Zhuhai’s Municipal Committee of the Chinese People Political Consultative Conference, Mme. Qian Fangli.
Both sides agreed on continue working for the further development of friendship and cooperation between Mexico, Guangdong and the rest of Southern China. During the reception, the guests could enjoy a buffet of Mexican food and Mexican famous drinks like Corona beer and Tequila.
Following up on the continuous efforts of the Consulate to promote Chinese tourism into Mexico, during the celebration Consul Alberto Limas along with the representatives of Foremex Consultants and AeroMexico, awarded the prize of a double trip to Mexico to the winner, Ms. Zhen Nanyn and Ms. He Xiuling, a lady from Quanzhou, Fujian, that will travel with a friend for free to Mexico in November.
The Consulate General of Mexico in Guangzhou sincerely thanks all the guests for joining this celebration, especially the representatives of the Chinese Government and the Consular Corps in Guangzhou and the persons and companies that generously sponsored the celebration.