The Music Run™ by AIA, the ultimate 5K running and music festival, is bringing the beat to the Shenzhen Universiade Sports Centre on 22 May.
Shenzhen, along with Shanghai, is one of over 40 cities worldwide to experience The Music Run™, one of the fastest growing fun running events in the world. The Music Run™ by AIA debuted in China for the first time in the city of Shanghai last October to over 7,000 participants.
At The Music Run™ by AIA, Music Runners™ will get to run, dance and party their way through the world’s loudest 5K running course - a soundtrack of five unique and interactive 1KM Music Zones (Rock, Pop, Old School, Hip Hop and Dance) with over 120 concert quality speakers pumping out tunes every step of the way.
The Music Run™ lets Music Runners™ become their own DJ as they vote to decide the music they want to listen to during the run. Participants control the soundtrack of the run by voting for their favorite songs in the build up to the event. Voting is via a ‘Music Voting App’ online. The songs with the most votes make the official run playlist.
The run will end with the ultimate after-run music festival, which includes world class DJs, live bands [insert local artist details], dancers, laser lights, LED screens, chill out zones, sponsor giveaways and more.
Unlike other marathons and themed running events, The Music Run™ has no time clock which means anyone of any fitness level and age can join in the fun and complete the run at his or her own pace.
Weibing Cai, GM of AIA Shenzhen said “Shenzhen is a city full of energy. AIA is introducing a fun, social, interactive and engaging fitness concept activity to Shenzhen that fits perfectly withthe spirit of this city. We always focus very deeply on contributing to the well-being of people is a tangible demonstration of our commitment to helping people live longer, healthier lives. This demonstrates our promise as The Real Life Company that brings together wellness and fun in this unique running experience that rewards you in more ways than one! “
The Music Run™ was first held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in 2014. The event has already been experienced by more than 100,000 participants across 12 events and nine countries from Singapore to Hamburg. With an established following in Asia, 2016 will see further global expansion with events planned across Europe, Africa and the Middle East and to over 20 cities across the USA.
Participants can register for the event by visiting Registration prices starts from RMB 168.
For more information please visit The Music Run™ website, WeChatand Weibo @themusicrun爱乐跑channels.
新互动性跑步体验活动The Music Run™ 爱乐跑,继去年由久负盛名的亚洲保障专家AIA友邦保险首次引入中国上海后,在2016年5月,即将登陆深圳!这五公里完全不限时间,完全不需要严格的路跑训练,透过音乐振奋精神,不限年龄、不限体能,每个人都能自然喜欢上跑步。
继2015年开启中国首站上海后,爱乐跑将深圳纳入全球40站版图中。The Music Run™爱乐跑是全球增长最快的趣味路跑活动之一,The Music Run™ 爱乐跑by AIA 友邦保险于去年十月成功开启中国首站——上海,共有超过七千名跑者参与。
AIA 友邦保险此次全程赞助的The Music Run™ 爱乐跑是一个充满创新与音乐互动的五公里短程趣味路跑。每一公里即是一个音乐主题,有摇滚、流行、复古、嘻哈与舞曲五大主题。现场将被超过120支的专业演唱会规格喇叭环绕,让每位跑者感受脚下踏出的每一步,被音乐包围着,踏进心底,振奋每一个细胞、感官,带给每一位参加的跑者最独一无二的跑步体验。
The Music Run™ 爱乐跑by AIA 友邦保险将音乐选择的权利完全交给跑者。爱乐跑让跑者化身为DJ,投票选出现场播放的音乐。所有的成功报名的跑者都可以登陆官网为他们喜欢的音乐投票,各大音乐主题中投票率最高的五首歌将会在现场播放。
友邦保险有限公司深圳分公司总经理蔡伟兵表示:“深圳是一座充满活力的城市,我们很荣幸能把这一项充满趣味的、互动的以及倡导健康生活理念的活动引入深圳这也是深圳这座城市精神的写照。The Music Run不仅鼓励大家奔跑,而且将大家喜爱的音乐元素融入其中,以更立体丰富的形式展现‘健康生活’的理念,这与友邦保险‘真生活,真伙伴’的品牌主张不谋而合.我们真诚希望通过这次活动能把所有热爱运动、寻求健康生活方式的朋友聚集一起,共同感受‘真生活’带来的非凡魅力。”
The Music Run™ 爱乐跑于2014年在马来西亚吉隆坡首次举办,从新加坡到汉堡,经历全球9个国家12站,超过十万名参与者。2016年The Music Run™ 爱乐跑的足迹将会跨足欧洲、非洲、中东和美国20多个城市。
跑者可登陆The Music Run™ 爱乐跑爱乐跑官方网站进行注册,售价从168元起。