Zhongshan: PRD's Future Top Investment and Trade Spot - 2016 Zhongshan Trade, Investment and Top Talent Fair
- Zhongshan continues to be a hot spot for successful investment and promising business opportunities
- Zhongshan Sino-Swiss (European) Industrial Park aims to boost trade and investment between Zhongshan and Switzerland
From the 23 – 24 March, Zhongshan Municipal People’s Government organized a 2-day business conference in Zhongshan, which many companies from the Guangdong region and government officials attended. The annual business gathering included a visit to the 2016 Zhongshan Trade, Investment and Top Talent Fair, an Economic Development and Foreign Business Forum and a B2B Conference. During the event a number of 144 projects were signed.
The Zhongshan Trade and Investment Fair on Wednesday, March 23rd was organised by the Municipal of Zhongshan. The Mayor of Zhongshan City, Mr. Chen Liangxian, introduced the different speakers of the official opening ceremony. They all honored the pioneer of China’s Democratic Revolution: Sun Yat-sen. Furthermore, Zhongshan was identified as a city of innovation and creation that offers many opportunities for entrepreneurs and investors. The latest figures that were presented proved this affirmation. Oversea business owners were encouraged to come back to China in order to establish new businesses that would be based on their gained knowledge and know-how, and also to potentially invest into ‘start-ups’. A special recognition was given by the Thai-Chinese Friendship Association, who complimented China for becoming a centre of business that has gained global attention and produced some successful leaders. They also pointed out the importance of the connection of both countries.
The Zhongshan Consultative Conference on Economic Development and Foreign Business Forum was held during the Fair at Sheraton Zhongshan in the afternoon on March 23rd. It attracted around 600 delegates from over 40 different countries and regions. The conference focused on the new Zhongshan Sino-Swiss (European) Industrial Park and the Swiss-Chinese business relationship in general. As by February 2016 the Park has already attracted 18 projects. As for now there are 83 European among them 8 Swiss companies based in Zhongshan and showed to be a top investment spot for foreign enterprises.
The conference was opened by Mr. Zhang Yuzhong - organizer representative, who introduced China as a top investment spot. Mr. Alain Graf - who represented the Swiss Embassy - followed him by reading out some impressive figures that showed the attentive audience how important the business relationship between China and Switzerland is. In 2015, Bank of China set up a new office in Zurich of which Nestlé and Novartis both launched new quarters in China. Mr. Graf notes that there is still a great potential for trade between the two countries.
Martin Mueller, Vice President of SwissCham China, Larry Zhang, Country Head of Sandoz China and Reinhard Betschart, General Manager of SSM Ltd. also shared their stories about the successful Swiss investment in China. Mr. Xavier Michelet from GF Machining Solutions Pte Ltd. told a few experiences about enterprise innovation and industry 4.0 and Claudio R. Boer from the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland officially presented the Zhongshan-Swiss Technology Center which could be visited after the forum.
The third point on the agenda was a B2B conference organised by the Zhongshan Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Bureau. The event generated interesting discussions among the local and foreign business communities. Many companies took advantage of this networking opportunity and were able to find potential business partners.
2016中山市招商经贸洽谈会 - 企才荟萃
- 中山新商机 - 投资贸易新宝地
- 中瑞贸易投资枢纽带 - 中瑞(欧)工业园
此次论坛由组织代表张玉忠先生主持开幕,称中国是现今重要的投资宝地。随后,瑞士大使Alain Graf 通过向在场观众展示让人引以为傲的数据证实了中瑞两国紧密的商业合作联系的重要性。在2015年,中国银行于苏黎世建立了新的办事点,而雀巢公司和诺华公司于中国设立了新的总部。Graf大使称两国的贸易合作机会在未来将越来越多。
驻中瑞士商会副主席Martin Mueller,中国Sandoz的董事长Larry Zhang及SSM有限公司的总经理Reinhard Betschart分享了他们在中国投资的故事。另外GF机械制造有限公司的Xavier Michelet亦向观众探讨了企业革新与工业4.0时代的状况。此后,来自南瑞士综合大学的Claudio R. Boer向人们展示中山瑞士技术中心,并邀现场观众于论坛结束后进行参观。