SMEs usually do not lack innovative thinking, on the contrary, they often have amazingly creative ideas that they like to implement. This is exactly what the organizer of Delta Creativity & Innovation Celebration (DCIC) is looking for. DCIC stands for innovation and creativity and therefore, it seems obvious to offer those small, new and not yet so well-connected companies a platform to promote themselves. In order to live up to their mission of supporting innovation, the DCIC and the media company Delta Bridges came up with a special promotion. No matter what industries you are in, from F&B, technology to services, you can absolutely benefit from the following 2 + 1 promotion: Buy any 2 city EDMs and receive a Delta EDM for free, to top it off, we will promote your products on our official Wechat platform as well! And all of these for only 6k RMB.
The promotion starts today and ends on 30th March 2016. The only condition is that you must finish the package within three months from the date you purchase it.
Do not miss out on promoting your innovations and benefit today!
For more information, please feel free to contact Shumin Li:
中小型企业历来不缺乏创新思维,相反,他们创意丰富且极具执行力。这与2016珠三角创意创新盛典主办方的初衷不谋而合。此次盛典致敬创新、创意企业,因此我们也希望给予各新兴、小规模企业充分展示创意的平台。为了实现其支持创新发展的使命,本次创意盛典主办方和Delta Bridges媒体公司推出特别优惠宣传套餐。无论您从属哪个行业,餐饮、科技或服务行业,都有机会参与以下2+1优惠宣传套餐:购买任意城市报刊2期将免费获得珠三角报刊1期;除此之外,您还可获得Delta Bridges官方微信公众平台产品宣传。以上所有优惠套餐仅需6000元 (人民币)
Delta Special: 1 blast
An email which only includes your information and which is sent to all our members.
City Special: 2 blasts
An email which only includes your information and which is sent to all of our members of one selected city.