STAMFORD, Conn.—September 10, 2015—Sheraton Hotels & Resorts today launched a $100 million multi-channel marketing campaign, which includes its first comprehensive advertising effort since 2011 and marks the brand’s return to TV for the first time in nearly a decade. Titled “Where Actions Speak Louder,” the new campaign, which is slated to run through 2017,is designed to boldly communicate ongoing enhancements to the Sheraton guest experience, including new products and partnerships, a renewed focus on service, and an elevated look, feel and design for the flagship brand of Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc. (NYSE:HOT).
According to Adam Aron, Chief Executive Officer of Starwood Hotels & Resorts on an interim basis,“Where Actions Speak Louder” is part of Sheraton 2020SM, a comprehensive plan to solidify Sheraton as a leading global hotel brand of choice, everywhere. As Starwood’s largest, most global and fastest growing high-end brand, Sheraton is a key priority for the company.
“We are at the beginning of a five year journey to change both the reality and perception of the Sheraton brand, and we have already made important improvements that guests will increasingly notice when they arrive at our doors,” said Aron. “With thissophisticated new advertising campaign, we intend to turn heads and give consumers a compelling reason to take another look at Sheraton, while keeping this iconic brand on the pedestal it so richly deserves.”
Print Ads from Celebrated Photographer Mark Seliger
The “Where Actions Speak Louder” campaign breaks today with an initial print advertisement in the Wall Street Journal. The first execution serves as a manifesto, firmly positioning “Where Actions Speak Louder” as a new stake in the ground for the Sheraton brand, a rallying cry for Sheraton associates and a pledge to consumers. Six additional executions will follow with placements inThe New York Times, Fortune, Forbes, Forbes Life, Sydney Morning Herald andShanghai Morning Post, among other global outlets and B2B titles, including Travel Weekly, Meetings & Convention, Successful Meetings and Business Travel News. The campaign features striking images of both guests and associates, and highlights signature aspects of the Sheraton guest experience, such as a premium sleep experience, the newPaired food and beverage program, updated meetings offerings, Sheraton Club and the new Sheraton Grand premier tier of hotels. The advertisements were shot at the Sheraton Chicago Hotel & Towersby acclaimed photographer Mark Seliger, who, in keeping with the Sheraton brand’s dynamic evolution, bringsan elevated, modern sensibility to the campaign.
First Television Ads in a Decade put Service and Sheraton Associates Center Stage
Starting September 21, the Sheraton brand’s first TV spot in nearly 10 years will begin airing on national networks and global cable channels, including ABC, ESPN, CNBC and CNN International.Director David Edwardswill bring cinematic treatment to the 30-second commercial, which was shot at the famed Sheraton on the Park in Sydney, Australia. The spot captures the allure of exceptional city center hotels as well as the choreography of service behind the scenes.With a spotlight on the glamour and dramatic design of the hotel’s “front of the house,” as well as the energy and comradery in the “heart of house,” the commercial follows a Sheraton associate doing the little things that can make a difference – from helping a woman traveling alone zip up the last bit of her dress, to weighing in on the selection of a tie for a male guest attending a gala event.
The “Where Actions Speak Louder” campaign will alsofeature digital creative, including video and banner ads,on sites like YouTube, AOL and Facebook, as well as a 60-second cut of the commercial that will air on rotation in more than 150,000 Sheraton guestrooms globally. Marcel New York, A PublicisGroupe agency, was selected by Starwood to lead creative responsibilities, while PGR and Razorfish managed the media planning and buying in North America.
Sheraton 2020 Fully Under Way
“Where Actions Speak Louder”is the latest component of the Sheraton 2020transformationplan that is fully underway. Since announcing the plan on June 1, Sheraton has introduceda new imaginative lobby menu,PairedSM; announced the richest SPG® promotion in the history of the brand, along with a promotion for travel professionals; launched the brand’s new visual identity and re-designed web and mobile sites; and introduced Sheraton GrandSM, a new premier tier that recognizes exceptional Sheraton hotels and resorts. A nod to the plan’s clear five year vision, Sheraton 2020 also promises continuous innovation of the Sheraton guest experience; an unwavering commitment to service excellence; the implementation of revenue and profit-driving initiatives to benefit owners and developers; and a goal of opening more than 150 new Sheraton hotels worldwide by 2020.
“We are proud that in just three months since first announcing our ambitious Sheraton 2020 transformation plan, we have already implemented many initiatives at our Sheraton hotels around the world,” said Dave Marr, Global Brand Leader, Sheraton Hotels & Resorts. “‘Where Actions Speak Louder’ is a simple yet powerful platform to communicate all that we are doing to elevate the guest experience at Sheraton, while celebrating the romance of hotels and putting a spotlight on our passionate associates who deliver great service every day.”
喜来登酒店及度假村宣布投资1亿美元,推出多渠道品牌营销推广活动,时隔近四年再度启动全方位综合广告攻势,并拍摄近十年来首支电视广告。这一全新的营销活动以“Where Actions Speak Louder”为主题,设计极为大胆,介绍了喜达屋酒店与度假酒店国际集团(纽交所代码:HOT)旗下旗帜酒店品牌喜来登为提升宾客体验持续不断做出的努力,包括推出的新产品、达成的新合作、重点聚焦于服务品质的提升及全新打造的品牌形象与设计等。整个系列的营销活动将一直持续到2017年。
据喜达屋酒店与度假酒店国际集团过渡时期首席执行官Adam Aron称,“Where Actions Speak Louder”推广活动是“喜来登2020”计划的一部分。该综合计划旨在巩固喜来登全球领先品牌的地位,使其不论在世界何处,都受到消费者的青睐。喜来登是喜达屋最大、最全球化的品牌,也是该集团增长最迅速的高端品牌,因此是喜达屋重点关注和首要发展的对象。
Adam Aron说,“我们刚刚启动了一项五年规划,目的是改变喜来登带给宾客们的体验,由此提升消费者对这个品牌的印象。我们已经做出一系列重大举措,宾客将在我们的酒店中越来越清晰地感受到更优越的体验。此次精心打造的全新广告推广活动将帮助我们吸引更多消费者,让他们以全新的眼光审视喜来登,并让这个标志性的品牌重新成为市场中的关注焦点——我们可以很自豪地说,喜来登完全值得这一切。”
知名杂志摄影师Mark Seliger为喜来登新广告呈现力作
今天,“Where Actions Speak Louder”推广活动以一则《华尔街日报》平面广告吹响了营销攻势的号角。该广告紧紧围绕“Where Actions Speak Louder”的主旨,既对喜来登全体员工做出激情澎湃的号召,也是对所有宾客许下又一份郑重的承诺,为品牌的发展打下了又一根坚实的地基。之后,喜来登还将在《纽约时报》、《财富》杂志、《福布斯》杂志、《悉尼先驱晨报》、《福布斯生活》、《新闻晨报》等全球主流媒体上,其中还包括《Travel Weekly》、《Meetings & Convention》、《, Successful Meetings》、《Business Travel News》等重要商务杂志上刊登另外六则平面广告。广告大片以酒店宾客和员工的日常为背景拍摄,着重呈现了喜来登宾客体验中的特色部分,比如卓越的睡眠体验、全新的餐饮概念、新鲜的会议理念、喜来登行政酒廊和全新推出的“喜来登大酒店”(Sheraton Grand)品牌细分级别等。
此次广告所用的照片由声誉卓著的杂志摄影师Mark Seliger拍摄,地点选在芝加哥喜来登大酒店。Seliger因给许多音乐家和知名人士拍摄经典的肖像照而备受推崇,包括滚石乐队创始人基斯•理查德、影星茱儿•芭莉摩、摇滚乐队“涅磐”主唱科特•柯本和红遍全球的知名演员强尼•德普。在此次合作中,Seliger通过自己的作品充分展现了喜来登充满活力的品牌形象,为广告注入了高端、现代的感觉。
从9月21日开始,喜来登近十年来第一支电视广告将在美国和全球各地的多个电视网络中播出,包括ABC美国广播公司、ESPN娱乐体育节目电视网、CNBC美国全国广播公司财经频道、CNN美国有线电视新闻网络国际频道等。此前曾与MTV音乐电视、阿提哈德航空及百威啤酒等品牌合作过的导演David Edwards,在此次时长30秒钟的广告中采用了一种电影般的表现手法,渲染出位于城市中心的杰出酒店引人入胜的魅力和背后各种精湛的服务。这支广告在澳大利亚悉尼的公园喜来登酒店拍摄,将酒店华美非凡的设计与充满活力与共事情谊的员工形象展现得淋漓尽致。广告最后的镜头中,酒店员工帮助单独旅行的女士拉上长裙的拉链,帮助出席晚宴的男士挑选合适的领带——清楚表现出喜来登如何从细微之处着手,为旅行者创造完全不同的贴心体验。
“Where Actions Speak Louder”营销活动中还将推出一系列数字广告,包括在YouTube、AOL、Facebook等网站上推出的视频、网站横幅,以及在全球超过150,000间喜来登酒店客房中循环播放的60秒电视宣传片等。喜达屋选择了阳狮集团(Publicis Groupe)旗下的Marcel New York公司负责广告创意,北美地区的广告媒介规划与购买则交给PGR和Razorfish负责。
“Where Actions Speak Louder”营销推广活动是“喜来登2020”计划中最新落实的举措,该计划将为喜来登品牌带来令人欣喜的转变,目前正有条不紊地执行。自从今年6月1日喜来登宣布此计划后,已经有多项措施和行动得以实施或启动,包括:充满想象力的全新大堂吧“Paired”菜单、喜达屋历史上最丰富的SPG俱乐部品牌推广活动以及针对专业旅行者推出的推广活动、品牌全新视觉形象及全新风格的Sherton.com网站和手机网站,以及为认可卓越的喜来登酒店与度假酒店而设的品牌细分级别“喜来登大酒店”(Sheraton Grand)等。“喜来登2020”计划将帮助喜来登品牌实现五年长远规划,不断为喜来登宾客体验注入创新元素,坚定不移的提高服务品质,同时落实各种提高收益与盈利的举措,使业主和开发商受益,并努力实现到2020年全球新开超过150家喜来登酒店的宏伟目标。
喜来登酒店及度假村全球品牌领导人Dave Marr说,“在宣布‘喜来登2020’计划后短短三个月时间内,我们就已经在全球各地的喜来登酒店及度假酒店执行了如此多的行动和举措,这让我们感到很自豪。‘Where Actions Speak Louder’营销活动将是一个简单又强大的工具,帮助我们宣传喜来登在提升宾客体验方面所做的努力,让更多人了解喜来登酒店迷人的魅力,以及每天带来杰出服务、始终抱有无限热情的喜来登员工。”
About Sheraton Hotels & Resorts
Sheraton Hotels & Resorts, the largest and most global brand of Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc., makes it easy for guests to explore, relax and enjoy the possibilities of travel through smart solutions and effortless experiences at more than 440 hotels in more than 72 countries around the world. The brand is currently in the midst of implementing Sheraton 2020, a 10 point plan designed to make Sheraton the global hotel brand of choice, everywhere. Sheraton recently launched “Where Actions Speak Louder,” a multi-channel, multi-million dollar advertising campaign that highlights the brand’s ongoing enhancements to its guest experience, including new products and partnerships, and a renewed focus on service. With work well underway, the brand has already rolled out a variety of initiatives under Sheraton 2020, including Paired, a new imaginative lobby bar menu; the richest SPG promotion in the brand’s history; and Sheraton Grand, a new premier tier that recognizes exceptional Sheraton hotels and resorts. To learn more, visit Stay connected to Sheraton: @sheratonhotels on Twitter and Instagram and
喜来登是喜达屋酒店与度假酒店国际集团旗下最大且最全球化的酒店品牌。喜来登品牌在超过72个国家的440多家酒店中,通过睿智的解决方案以及在宾客体验方面的不懈努力,为宾客在旅途中缔造一种探索、休憩以及享受的轻松方式。目前,喜来登品牌正在全力进行“喜来登2020”计划,这一涵盖十大方面的综合性行动计划将帮助喜来登成为宾客在世界各地的首选酒店品牌。喜来登近期推出“Where Actions Speak Louder”全新广告营销活动,将投资数百万美元覆盖众多渠道,宣传喜来登品牌在不断提升宾客体验方面所做出的卓有成效的努力,包括:推出的新产品、达成的新合作、将品牌工作重心聚焦于服务品质的提升等。截至目前,“喜来登2020”计划中的多项举措和计划已陆续落实或启动,包括:充满想象力的全新大堂吧“Paired” 菜单、喜达屋历史上最丰富的SPG俱乐部品牌推广活动以及为认可卓越的喜来登酒店与度假酒店而设的品牌细分级别“喜来登大酒店”(Sheraton Grand)等。了解更多信息,请访问www.sheraton.com或在微博上关注@喜来登酒店及度假村Sheraton。