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Turkish Airline 5th Anniversary of Guangzhou


On January 31, the Convention Hall of The Garden Hotel, Guangzhou was transformed into a stylish first class lounge for Turkish Airline's 5th Anniversary of Guangzhou. Even though the weather was freezing, over 300 guests attended the exclusive event and enjoyed an evening full of passion and appreciation. During the event, Consulate General Mr. Batu Kesmen from the Consul General of Turkey in Guangzhou and Mr. Mucahit Mehmet KIRAZ, General Manager of Turkish Airlines, gave a speech of appreciation to all loyal clients and customers over the past year. Meanwhile, around 40 awards including Outstanding Contribution Award 2011-2015, The Best Growing Agency 2015, The Best Sales Agency 2011-2015, The Best Supporting Sales Agency 2011-2015 and Special Airport recognition were given to different winners. It was also a privilege to watch State Folk Dances Group perform a classic dance that enthralled guest. Lucky draw prizes included more than 15 airline tickets, DFS bags, Garden Hotel suite vouchers and Allied Pickfords and proved to a big hit with everyone. With delicious courses served one after another, all those in attendance enjoyed the unforgettable atmosphere of the night.

2016年1月31日,土耳其航空广州代表处五周年庆典如期举行,当晚的花园酒店国际会议中心被装点成风情绰约的土耳其航空头等舱。尽管寒冬,宴会现场300余位嘉宾仍感受到来自土航的热情和由衷感恩。当晚,土耳其驻广州领事馆总领事Batu Kesmen先生携手土耳其航空公司总经理Mucahit Mehmet KIRAZ致辞,对过去一年里所有客户和经销商献上衷心的感谢与祝福。同时,2011-2015年卓越贡献大奖、2015年度飞跃贡献大奖、2011-2015年杰出营销大奖、2011-2015年杰出支持大奖、特别鸣谢广州白云国际机场等40余份奖项在万众瞩目下颁出,台上领奖的赢家们都名至实归。值得一提的是,晚宴有幸请到土耳其国宝级State Folk舞团,带来精湛绝伦的表演。包括15份免费土耳其航空机票,DFS高端手包,花园酒店房券和Allied Pickfords搬家服务体验等抽奖活动更是将晚会气氛推至高潮,来宾们沉浸在觥筹交错、欢声笑语中,度过了土耳其航空精心准备的难忘夜晚。

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