The terms ‘tough cookie’ and ‘neon light’ usually sound oddly-matched when recited together, but this venue utterly joins the two. Situated on the creative culture park, Tough Cookie possesses vintage brown walls, shimmering wooden decor, neon billboards, and modern accessories. This restaurant/music venue is a magnificently imagined space for relaxation.
The two main themes of Tough Cookie are, ‘Food & Cocktail’ and ‘Music & Life’. Its primary focus is to deliver authentic German cuisines such as German Roasted Pork Knuckle with Sauerkraut, Veal Sausages and Cheese Sausages, but to name a few. As great as these classic favourites are, special attention should definitely go to the Pork Knuckle because each bite of it tastes crisp, juicy and incredibly scrumptious. Before starting your German main course, a “T.C Snack Platter” will entrance you with its diverse selection of entrees. Also, Caesar Salad and Italian Seafood Salad are provided to keep you away from the boredom of meats.
Tough Cookies makes guests an extensive spectrum of cocktails, which conjure the joy of magically blended food and wine. Cocktails like Trump Card, Doomsday, The Fog of the Caribbean, and Jenga are not only spectacular in presentation, but every last drop is divine. Tough Cookie is also home to live music and competitive dart games, bringing you endless fun during and after dining.
As Valentine’s Day is approaching, Tough Cookie has recently launched a new package called, ‘Fall in Love Within the Air, the Sea and the Land’, which includes Pork Knuckle, Chicken Cutlet and two Cheese Lobsters, representing ‘Land’, ‘Air’ and ‘Sea’, respectively. Finally, Blueberry Mojito and Rainforest Mojito will provide a romantic and tropical blossom touch during your Tough Cookie experience.
霓虹绚烂与“硬汉”听似互不悦耳,但Tough Cookie却能将两者完美融合于一体。位于禅城文创产业园里的Tough Cookie是家“美食与酒,音乐与情调”都不可辜负的音乐餐吧。复古木色以一种刚柔并进的态度向霓光色彩招手,摩登闲适的生活尽诉现代小资情调。
除了特色德餐与酒水外,Tough Cookie还提供立体镖盘的游戏区域和饭点酒点两不误的现场音乐表演,让您尽享饕餮之余也不忘玩乐之趣。
情人节临近,Tough Cookie推出豪华“海陆空情人节套餐”,香脆鲜嫩的德国咸猪肘由双宿芝士龙虾和香煎脆嫩鸡扒作陪衬,搭配缤纷莓国莫吉托和热带雨果莫吉托,陪您和您的爱人度过一次最绚烂和浪漫的“硬汉”情人节!