J Plus Hotel by YOO will be celebrating Valentine’s Day, by blending modern and traditional interpretations of love in an aptly named package called “Love, Suite Love”. Guests who book the “Love, Suite Love” package will be checked into one of J Plus’ plush suites transformed into sanctuaries for romantics living or visiting Hong Kong, ensuring that guests have a Valentine’s Day to remember.
The highlight of “Love, Suite Love” experience is the immersion of art and creativity to celebrate romance. The experience begins even before the guests set foot in their suite. Loved ones can surprise their significant other with a modern artistic display of love by way of LED lighting on the mirror, with a personalised message from their beloved.
J Plus Hotel by YOO will also team up with Paris Art Ltd, a creative style curator which specialises in presenting one’s identity through art. Guests will be treated to Paris Art Ltd’s expert services, allowing couples to provide their favourite photo in advance to be turned into an artistic illustration, which will be presented in the guestrooms prior to arrival.
Balancing these creative bursts of showcasing one’s love for another, J Plus Hotel by YOO delicately reverts to the old adage of food being the way to one’s heart. Starring the quintessential symbols of romance in the food world, J Plus Hotel by YOO has partnered up with renowned award-winning French gourmet chocolatier Jean-Paul Hévin and celebrated champagne house, Moët & Chandon to deliver the best romantic interpretation of chocolate bonbons and rosé. Jean-Paul Hévin Chocolatier’s newly launched “Love is in the Air” box sets features creative design inspired by Parisian street art, echoing the hotel’s stylistic edge. The chocolate bonbons are perfectly complemented by the refreshing rosé with a tinge of smoky flavour.
Enhancing the atmosphere of love will be the aesthetic of each room and the creative shopping services the hotel offers to its guests. The dedicated team at J Plus Hotel by YOO will be decorating each suite booked under the package with Valentine’s Day themed decor, such as romantic candles and balloons, ensuring that everyone who is experiencing the “Love, Suite Love” special truly feel transported into a romantic world of two.
The Hotel also provides an in-room shopping experience with design store Tang Tang Tang Tang (http://www.tangtangtangtang.com), and offers special VIP discount to lifestyle designer concept store, Über Tunique (http://www.tunique.com), which celebrates its new opening in the nearby Hysan Place, a mere 10 minutes away.
Guests who book the “Love, Suite Love” package will be checking-in to one of the hotel’s celebrated suites. Inspired by world renowned architect and interior designer, Philippe Starck, suites vary from 380 sq. ft. studios to 780 sq. ft. spacious one-bedroom suites. Each of the 32 studios and 24 suites are styled in four dynamic colour themes: Dreamy Pink, Tangerine Joy, Sunshine Yellow, and Tranquil Blue. Fun and intricate graffiti on the ceiling are an extension of the graffiti displayed on the hotel’s external walls, giving each suite an edgy lift. Plush, bespoke, handcrafted carpets add a touch of softness and luxury to each of the suites, further complemented by marble bathrooms. A fully equipped kitchen also allows guests to prepare a home-cooked meal on the romantic evening.
Beyond the suite experience, J Plus Hotel by YOO is a hotel to discover and enjoy. A trailblazer in embracing the art scene, J Plus features Art@JPlushk, a dedicated art space which features international and local artists, in a rotating exhibition. Celebrated British street artist, Fin Dac’s display launched in late November, will be on display in the space through February, inviting guests to explore the colourful East London style graffiti art Fin Dac is known for. In addition to the creative artsy experience, couples can also enjoy complimentary drinks at Chill@JPlushk, alongside delectable canapés.
“We are delighted to be launching ‘Love, Suite Love’ as it celebrates love in a way that is fun, innovative, and non-traditional, yet still capturing the essence of love. We blend the classic emblems of love with the new generation’s medium of expression, which ensures that guests are not only romanced, but awe-inspired and wowed”, shares Ms Vivian Chau, General Manager, J Plus Hotel by YOO.
The “Love, Suite Love” experience is available from 13 – 15 February, starting from HK$3,980 + 10% service charge.
J Plus Hotel by YOO is located at 1-5 Irving Street, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong. For reservations, please call <strong>(852) 3196-9000</strong> or email <strong>info@jplushongkong.com</strong>. For more information, please visit http://www.jplushongkong.com.
每年二月,城中皆弥漫着情人节专属的浪漫气息。香港首间精品酒店-J Plus Hotel by YOO今年更特别呈献名为 “Love, Suite Love” 的住宿体验,让情侣们于这个温馨佳节与另一半入住经精心布置、充满情调的情人节主题套房,并享用多项由酒店团队预先准备的贴心服务,于醉人的氛围下共度难忘的一夜。
“Love, Suite Love” 住宿体验的一大亮点在于艺术和创意的融合。在这特别的日子,酒店将特别为预订此优惠的宾客们呈上多项独一无二的礼遇,当中包括以情人节为主题的布置及以LED装置让宾客向另一半表达心中的爱意。宾客只需于入住前把心意电邮至酒店,不需片言半语,即可表达心中所思。
另外,J Plus Hotel by YOO更首度与法国创意机构Paris Art Ltd.合作,继续以艺术表达人物感情。宾客只需于入住前预先向酒店提供与另一半的甜蜜照片,Paris Art Ltd.旗下的插画师即可将照片以法式艺术绘图方式演绎,让情侣们在这特别的日子留下别出心裁的纪念。
除了爱意浓浓的惊喜和创意,J Plus Hotel by YOO亦选择了为情侣们准备法国获奖巧克力品牌Jean-Paul Hévin Chocolatier的夹心巧克力与优雅精致的Moët & Chandon玫瑰香槟搭配,为佳节更添甜蜜。Jean-Paul Hévin Chocolatier为情人节特别推出的 “Love is in the Air” 礼盒,灵感来自巴黎的街头艺术,与酒店的设计风格可说不谋而合;而夹心巧克力与细致的玫瑰香槟搭配得宜,就如一丝烟熏味道停留在舌尖上,令人回味不已。
“Love, Suite Love” 的套房体验还包括J Plus Hotel by YOO的精心房间布置及与别不同的购物体验。酒店的专业团队会以浪漫情人节为主题,以充满情调的蜡烛及气球布置房间,打造出专属二人的幸福空间,让爱侣们切实地感受 “Love, Suite Love” 的醉人意念。
酒店亦与生活时尚店 “Tang Tang Tang Tang邓邓邓邓” (http://www.tangtangtangtang.com) 合作,让宾客于房间内可轻松购物,为另一半送上特色礼物。另一边厢,宾客亦可获赠概念精品店Über Tunique (http://www.tunique.com) 送上的购物优惠,尽情于其新开幕、距离酒店仅十分钟路程的希慎广场的分店内选购心仪礼品。
预订 “Love, Suite Love” 套房体验的宾客,将入住设计灵感源自世界闻名建筑及室内设计师Philippe Starck的房间。J Plus Hotel by YOO内分别有32间380平方呎的时尚开放式客房,及24间780平方呎的时尚宽敞式套房;并共有四个主题配色,包括梦幻嫩红、活力橙调、金黄阳光及恬静暖蓝。房间天花上的艺术涂鸦与酒店外墙的涂鸦设计完美呼应,为房间格调添上一抹诱人魅力。酒店内特别订制的手造牛毛地毯搭配浴室的大理石纹设计,更散发出淡淡时尚气息。同时,宾客更可于设备齐全的厨房一显厨艺,为另一半炮制滋味晚餐。
J Plus Hotel by YOO的住宿享受固然称心,但其实酒店内亦同时陈列了一系列的艺术作品让宾客加以探索。酒店的空气中能洋溢着丝丝艺术气息,全归功于常设的艺展空间Art@JPlushk,定期与不同的艺术团队合作推出展览。爱尔兰都会当代艺术家Fin DAC的独家复本展览《The Nadeshiko》由去年11月底起至今年2月底于Art@JPlushk举行,让宾客可于入住期间细赏来自伦敦东部的涂鸦视野。
J Plus Hotel by YOO总经理Vivian Chau表示:“推出 ‘Love, Suite Love’ 住宿体验,让我们以独特的方式表达 ‘爱’ —— 充满趣味及前卫特质却又不失爱的本质。我们将爱的经典标志融入于新世代表达爱的方式内,让宾客不仅仅感受爱带来的浪漫,亦同时赞叹爱的可塑性。”
“Love, Suite Love” 住宿体验期为2月13日至15日,定价为港币3,980元起一晚,另附加一服务费。
J Plus Hotel by YOO位于香港铜锣湾伊荣街1-5号。如欲预订或查询,请致电<strong>(852)3196-9000</strong>或电邮<strong>info@jplushongkong.com</strong>。