18:00-21:00, Thursday, January 14th, 2016
2016年1月14日 星期四 18:00-21:00
Shamian Room, 2F White Swan Hotel
白天鹅宾馆二楼沙面厅 广州荔湾区沙面南街1号
RMB 200 FOR MEMBER / RMB 300 FOR NON-MEMBER (including buffet and free flow of drinks)
入场费:会员200元 非会员300元(包含自助餐和酒水)
Limited Seating - AmCham Members Priority
Free of Charge for New Members and Award Receivers
*Suggested Dress Code :Traditional Chinese Dress or Smart Casual
- Pre-celebrate Chinese New Year with AmCham members
- Meet AmCham new members and get to know more potential business partners
I am pleased to invite you to spend a wonderful night with us to celebrate the Chinese New Year together with AmCham members.
Join us in this last but not least event before the Year of Monkey I believe this will be a fruitful night to spend with these fellows.
I will see you there!
With best regards,
Harley Seyedin
The American Chamber of Commerce in South China
Vice Chairman, China Affairs
The Asia Pacific Council of American Chambers of Commerce
Please complete the form and return it by email to events-b@amcham-southchina.org before Jan 13th. Thank you!