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Christmas and New Year @ Sofitel Macau At Ponte 16


To celebrate Christmas and New Year this year, Sofitel Macau At Ponte 16 is delighted to introduce a selection of promotions and packages within the hotel, from food and beverage to SPA, for guests to enjoy a Magnifique Christmas season in French romance.
为庆祝圣诞佳节, 澳门十六浦索菲特酒店将呈献一系列庆祝活动、餐饮推广及水疗套餐与大家分享节日的愉悦。

Christmas Lighting Ceremony

Christmas is always worthy of a grand celebration! To kick off the festive season, a lighting ceremony will be carried out at hotel lobby from 6-7PM on Dec 8th. Surrounded by the colorful Christmas trees and festive décor spreading everywhere, guests will be able to experience an unforgettable night featuring the Sofitel signature Candle Ritual, Christmas Carol, followed by complimentary Christmas delights including French mulled wines, hot chocolate and roasted almonds at the snow-themed Rendezvous.
Complimentary admission is given to the public. To ensure a comfortable experience, please RSVP via h6480-sm3@sofitel.com by 6th Dec, 2015.

Festive Feasts at Privé

At Privé, one of the most popular French restaurants in town, it celebrates the Christmas with fascinating feasts. Chef Jean-Francois Nulli who had worked for different Michelin-starred restaurants in France and Monaco, is going to pamper guests with creative and dynamic French cuisine.
Christmas special set dinner is available on Dec 24-25, starting from MOP$588+. For more information or reservation, please call +853 8861 7213.
作为城中法式餐厅的杰出代表之一,派意舫以其私密环境及出色菜肴收到食家们的喜爱和赞赏。这个圣诞,拥有米芝莲星级餐厅背景的派意舫主厨Jean-Francis Nulli将会精心炮制一系列精选法式传统美食,搭配窗外澳门老城区独有风情的景色,为这个平安夜和圣诞夜打造令人难忘的回忆。
法式圣诞晚宴于12月24日及25日供应,四道佳肴套餐由MOP588+起,可另外搭配美酒。咨询详情或预订可致电+853 8861 7213。

Buffet Indulgence at Mistral

With the recently renewed food presentation and an even larger food variety, Mistral will be a perfect choice for a Christmas buffet with family and friends. A selection of international cuisines including festive features such as turkey and Yule Log Cake, as well as fresh seafood, grill, cheese and cold cuts, followed by the sweet desserts, all you can eat at this special festive season.
Special Gala Buffet available for December 24th and 25th, MOP$488+ per person, and the option to add a free flow package of wine, MOP$168+. For more information or reservation, please call +853 8861 7210/ 8861 7236.
圣诞自助晚宴于12月24-25日提供,每位MOP488+,另加MOP168+即可享受酒水无限畅饮。详情或预订请致电+853 8861 7210/8861 7236。

New Year Eve Party at Baccara Ballroom

Come to celebrate your New Year Eve at Sofitel with Macau celebrity DJ Julian Ortiz and the passionate Brazilian dancers whilst enjoying a feast for the year to welcome 2016! Book your seats in advance with Baccara at MOP688+ with free flow of red wines, white wines and sparkling wines all you can drink! Party starts from 6PM on December 31st 2015 till 2016! For more information or reservation, please call +853 8861 7210/ 8861 7236.
澳门十六浦索菲特诚意为你特别呈现盛大的新年倒数派对! 艺人DJ Julian Ortiz 将兼任MC和DJ,与巴西舞者于百家乐宴会厅为您炮制一场娱乐大show。同时,酒店将会呈上丰盛自助晚宴,豪华美馔包括位上海鲜盘,上百种精选国际美食,并有红/白葡萄酒及气泡酒无限畅饮。
MOP688+每位,12月31日晚上6时开始,一起迎接2016年! 详情或预订请致电+853 8861 7202/8861 7210。

SO SPA with L’OCCITANE -- Moment à Deux
SO SPA with L'OCCITANE水疗圣诞套餐

Christmas is always a good timing to pamper yourself and your beloved one with SPA treatments as a renewal ritual to welcome the New Year. So SPA with L’OCCITANE presents the Moment à Deux package which will be a perfect fit for this special occasion. Staring with a 30 minute steam bath as the starter, followed
by a 60 minute black scrub and rassoul wrap to smooth out skin, finally complete the journey with canapé tea set at SO SPA Deep Relaxation room. This is definitely a perfect ending of 2015.
The special offer is available from 1st to 31st December at MOP$1188+ per person. For more information or reservation, please call +853 8861 7801.
趁着这个圣诞节,好好犒赏自己和宠爱心爱之人。SO SPA with L'OCCITANE特意推出圣诞水疗套餐,旨在在这个特别的节日里为尊贵的宾客们送上放松及焕新体验。旅程由深层蒸气浴出发,再佩合纯净黑皂角质身体磨砂,让宾客的肌肤宛若新生。继而沉醉于60分钟身体香熏按摩疗程,最后疗程后用于SO SPA休闲室享用精美法式小食,陶醉完美的圣诞二人时刻。
圣诞水疗套餐只需每人MOP1,188+15%, 适用于12月1 日至12月31日。详情或预订,请致电+853 8861 7801。

Sofitel Macau At Ponte 16


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